eGrandPrix day 2

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eGrandPrix day 2

Doing this a day late, and no pictures.

It was rainy yesterday so we stayed inside the TTXGP tent. There was a motorcycle parade in the morning, and the electrics were in that.

There's an area with several fully faired bikes, including Craig Vetter's Honda Helix test bike. I've been reading so much of his experiment it's very cool to see it in person, and to see just how low-tech he goes at designing things. Spent a lont time talking with a fellow ( who does full fairings for electric bicycles and scooters. At the show he as an Rad2Go scooter (the one that looks vaguely like a Vespa) as well as an eGo. Both have a cloroplast shell around them. Says he's gotten a speed improvement out of it.

Rest of the day was standing around the TTXGP tent. I did video's with two people: markcycle (EnerTrac) about his kit, and I'm totally blanking on his name but the young guy I mentioned in yesterdays post. Turns out he's a VisForVoltage member from Grand Rapids MI.

The most interesting thing was to chat with the regular bikers who came by. In some cases they'd ride by .. slowly .. looking carefully at us the whole way, other times they'd be standing and looking and I'd go up and ask "What do you think about this". In every case they were positively interested and impressed with the state of electric motorcycles. They're okay with the prices on e.g. the Zero S and the GPR-S. But every one of them asked about "engine braking" and how they depend on that feature of gas bikes.

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