Wilderness Energy

Brush replacements for the BD36?

Does anyone know where I can get brush replacements for the BD36? I ordered a set of three a while back, but now the site I ordered them from werelectrified.com no longer exists and I can't seem to find them anywhere else. I'm down to my last set of spare brushes after just replacing a set... 6400 hours to go before I need new ones.

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BL36 documentation

Hi all, I recently entered the e-bike world via a used BL36. The previous owner had no documentation and it looks like WE is no longer in business. I was wondering if anyone here would happen to have an electric copy of the owners manual, instillation manual etc that would have come with a new kit?

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High pitch noise on BD24

After 3 or 4 miles the motor starts making a high pitch noise at full throttle, decreased throttle some and in a little bit the noise returns, decrease throttle some more , and on down a little more until it won't run at all, just makes the noise when given some throttle. The sounds like like something is spinning inside .

I took it apart and all seems well , magnets , brushes, winding .

any ideas as to what the problem?


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Wilderness Energy still in business?

  • I have one of their `36 volt motors in a trike and it stopped working. I've tried to contact WE and get no response. Even a circuit diagram would be helpful to diagnose the problem. I get continuity readings at the motor so I think it's OK but since they have 3 wires going into the motor I don't want to try to circumvent their controller setup and cause some damage. I'd be happy to have just an on off switch and no circuit board in between. Mike fortunare [at] gmail.com

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    Controller Operation

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knew how the controller, throttle and halls sensors operated?
    My understanding is that the battery sends 36 volts to the controller (which part inside the controller, I dont know) then each of the 6 power transistors send a half wave to the motor, which creates a 3 phase power supply to a delta or wye motor? How does the throttle work in this, does it just send a resistance value to the controller and how does this value control the freq. of the transistors? Do I have this wrong? It is helpful to know what is going on when I troubleshoot.

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    WE BD36v brush holder

    Does anybody have a WE brush holder for sale or know where I could get one. Thought I read a post of being able to use Crystalyte brushes and holder. Can anyone confirm this and is it easier to get a hold of?

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    No responce from thumb throttle

    I get no responce from my thumb throttle. I'm getting a steady green light blink that means all connections are correct but no signal is being received from the throttle. I don't see any visable signs of problem. Anybody got any ideas?

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    Wilderness BD24 Bike

    I have a BD24 brushed kit for about three years with little hours on it...I need to know if I need new batteries or brushes in the motor. After finding the battery unhooked I rehooked it and the wheel turned for about 20 seconds, then on and off when lever is depressed a pulsating noise is coming from the motor hub. Every time I hook the charger to the batteries the light is always green. What do you think it might be?

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    WE Trike Project...Complete!

    After tinkering with it for a year and a half, I think I have completed my WE based Schwinn Meridian Trike. The drive system has been stable for nine months. But I have been playing with all the accessories to get it just the way I needed. So I thought it was time to share with all of you who have provided such great information on this forum. Thanks for all your help!

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    blairg's picture

    WE BL36 doesn't turn

    I was riding my bike today when the motor\wheel started to vibrate then after about a km it just stopped. The wheel is very hard to turn. I took it apart and the bearings seem fine. I can't figure out what is causing the friction. Any Ideas ?

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