using a scooter battery for trolling motor

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using a scooter battery for trolling motor

Thought some of you experts might be able to answer the following:

I replaced the 2 bat pak (24 volts) on a scooter. One of the batteries is still very good. I'm wondering if the battery will be ok to use with my 10 and 20 lb thrust trolling motors. I used to use a trolling motor battery that I bought from Walmart...small marine deep cycle...size of a lawn tractor bat...but they don't sell it anymore. Been messing around with scooters for awhile and haven't used the kayak for a long time. I'm convinced that the scooter battery...which is smaller and much lighter.... will outperform that battery I used to get from Walmart. However, I'm told that one might burn up the trolling motor because of different amp requirements between a scooter motor and the trolling motor. If anything I'm thinking the scooter motor pulls more amps???? Anyway, you guys that have the know about this stuff....can you help me out here? Think it's ok to use my old scooter bat to power my trolling motors? BTW, I use my trolling motors on my electric kayak (project I did several years ago to save my paddling energy for fishing!) Thanks in advance for any comments.


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Re: using a scooter battery for trolling motor


I'm told that one might burn up the trolling motor because of different amp requirements between a scooter motor and the trolling motor.

No offense, but this statement is nonsense !!

There is no problem using the scooter battery with your trolling motor. The battery does not dictate how much current flows. The device connected to the battery or power source is the controlling factor. A motor will only pull as much energy as it needs for a given voltage. I assume your trolling motor was designed to run at 12-volts DC so no matter what the power source is, if it is 12-volts DC the motor will NOT burn up.

Chas S.
My Bicycle Pages

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