
Terms of Service:
Community members' use of the V is for Voltage Forums constitutes an agreement between the member and V is for Voltage Forum to follow the Terms of Service (TOS), Guidelines, and other rules posted on the Forum. The forum membership and leadership arrived at these agreements through discussion. The "V Team", of very dedicated community volunteers, page shows the current volunteers whom administer the V is for Voltage Forums. Please bring any comments, suggestions, or questions concerning these agreements to the Site Administration and Governance forum on V is for Voltage. The V is for Voltage Forums does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message or information posted, and are not responsible for the content of any message. The ideas expressed are the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the view of the V is for Voltage Forums. Any community member who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact your Moderator Team immediately to Report Abuse. The Moderator Team has the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame. If it is determined that removal is necessary you agree by your use of this Forum to allow the Moderator team to remove the objectionable message without any form of retaliation. You also agree, through your use of this Forum, that you will not use the V is for Voltage Forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violate any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material, which is not owned by you or by the V is for Voltage Forums. You also agree to the right of V is for Voltage Forums to terminate your membership.
V is for Voltage Forums Right To Terminate:
The Moderator Team, at their sole discretion, may terminate or remove any content, or your V is for Voltage Community membership will be blocked immediately and without notice if;
a. V is for Voltage Forums believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the V is for Voltage Forums Terms of Service or the V is for Voltage Forums Guidelines, or
b V is for Voltage Forums believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others.
Please help us keep V is for Voltage Forums an enjoyable and positive experience.
V is for Voltage Forums Guidelines:
V is for Voltage Forums gives Electric Vehicles enthusiast and Community members a place to meet, interact, and share ideas with each other.
V is for Voltage Forums sets out the conditions of your use of the Forum services in the TOS. The Guidelines aid in making the V is for Voltage experience more enjoyable for all Community members. Just like a real community, there will be different opinions, but when people remember a few rules we can help each other grow. Some of the key things to remember are:
- Community members may not demean, harass, abuse, threaten, or advocate violence against other members or individuals or groups. Disagreements are fine but try to stick to the facts not personalities.
- Community members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience, think of it as a family site. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning and these posts will be edited or removed.
- Community members should make every effort to stay on topic with the original post and post only in the area closely related to the subject of interest.
- Community members may not add members to the group.
- Community members may use V is for Voltage Forums for commercial and advertising content of Electric Vehicle related items or content only. Remember to use links when possible. These posts should be placed in the appropriate forum category of our Community Marketplace.
- Some content may be more appropriate in other categories. The Moderator team reserves the right to move content to the correct category or remove content that it determines, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate and an infraction of community forum guidelines or TOS.
- Community members may not use V is for Voltage Forums for personal conflicts, or to contact vendors/dealers in open forums. However as long as the member voices the facts they may describe negative experiences with vendors/dealers to inform our members. Please be honest, just the facts without name calling or foul language. We also encourage members to post positive experiences with vendors as well.
- Community members may post images on the forum as long as they conform to the above rules and are no more than 100KB with Dimensions no greater than 500 pixels wide. Please keep linked graphics to a reasonable size, not everyone has a high-speed connection and large graphics take time to load. Be mindful of you fellow community members.
- Community members may not post content, which infringes the intellectual property, privacy or rights of third parties, or in violation any laws (Country, Territory, Provenance, State, or Local).
- Community members may post links to published Internet articles but not complete articles. Posting copies of articles on the forum is a violation of copyright law. You may only post a very small portion of an article unless you have permission in writing from the author or publisher.
- Community members should post content not related to any of the EV areas in the General discussion area. The General discussion area was created as a place for the community to interact on items that do not fit the normal day-to-day EV areas.
- Community members who repeatedly violate these rules will be subject to Moderation or having access blocked to their V is for Voltage Forum membership. The member may be blocked for a 30 day cool down period. If violations continue after they have been reinstated, they may be banned as member of the V is for Voltage Forum.
If you are unsure whether your content is consistent with these policies, please err on the side of caution and post your content in the General discussion area of V is for Voltage Forums. If you need any assistance please contact your Moderator Team. The Moderator Team can move post to the proper location as necessary.
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- eric01
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