The Dragonfly Project: Zortch Electric Designs in conjunction with Evolve Motorworks

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The Dragonfly Project: Zortch Electric Designs in conjunction with Evolve Motorworks

From the Administration & Advocacy area of before the site went down.
Posted: Aug 24 2006, 10:53 AM
Voltage Forum Admin
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The Dragonfly Project, a major initiative at Zortch Electric Designs in conjunction with Evolve Motorworks, has been featured on the front page of the Bellingham Herald newspaper and on their website at: - front page - direct link to article

We think this might get picked up on the wire as well, so please keep an eye out for other locations where it might appear so that we can list them here.

1. `G' whiz;
August 24, 2006 •• 741 words •• ID: blg2006082422240145
Electric recumbent cycle could revolutionize your commute MICHELLE THERIAULT THE BELLINGHAM HERALD The future is just around the corner, and it's driving an orange bike. That's Bellingham resident Ken Trough on the bike - silent, packed with batteries and smoothly zipping down the sidewalk. Is it a bike? Is it a man riding a battery? Is it a motorcycle? It's the G2 - an innovative all electrically powered cycle being developed here. And it

2. Battery bike designers steer to brighter future
September 9, 2006 •• 253 words •• ID: blg2006091121390452
Bellingham resident Ken Trough's electric recumbent cycle can operate on streets and sidewalks legally and offers a glimpse into the future of transportation less reliant on fossil fuels. The battery-operated bike runs on six batteries that allow the bike to reach speeds of 40 mph and go about 25 miles on one battery charge. It was designed by Trough and a bunch of other designers and engineers he works with, mostly online, through a group known as The Dragonfly Project.

I will have more data on The Dragonfly Project up on my Zortch site shortly:
Evolve Motor Works
Evolve Motor Works is has build a prototype front wheel drive recumbant three wheel motorbike called the Eilean/G2 that has a top speed of over 45mph. It is designed to lean in curves ("a leaner") which gives it exceptional stability for a three wheel design. The bike is powered by a LiIon battery pack but they are also testing with other battery configurations including a 72 volt PbA pack that they expect will provide a range of about 45 miles at a constant 25mph on a level road.

For more information contact zpv [at]

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That's the Eilean/G2!! Moved to General discussion

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