Brake lever broken - dealer won't respond..HELP

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Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Brake lever broken - dealer won't respond..HELP

Now that I finally found my scooter group again, out goes the call for help - I just broke my left brake lever (the one for the rear brake) thank god it's the simple one, unlike the right side.

I guess that's what you get when you teach your girlfriend to ride in the driveway ;-(

Anybody knows any resources??
(Can't believe my dealer's eerie silence, Scott, my man, what's up with that?? ;-)

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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parts for e-max and other chinese brands

I don't remember what scooter you have, but here is a link to the spare parts distributor for Baotian (ICE) scooters in EU

Not sure they ship to US, but there are exploded views, pictures and info on many parts and even some downloadable manuals that might help.

I ordered the left hand switch unit (headlights, horn, turn signals) the other day, it fit perfectly to the e-max, except for the wiring.

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Brake lever broken - dealer won't respond..HELP

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Welcome home, glad you found us.

You might want to contact Jacky at LXHLTL [at] or lxhltl [at]
He is with the e-Max China Partner factory

Get involved in your EV Community,
Since it seems we'll be here for awhile what is your vision for the future?

Peace Out, <img src="">

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Joined: Friday, January 19, 2007 - 00:18
Points: 149

Hi guys and thanks for your leads, it's an EMAX sport 2000 and this exotic website you recommended actually has them - question is only, will they send to the u.S., I left an inquiry with them....will look at Gman's links next!

Thanks for your help!

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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Points: 1416
You can also try...


Give them a phone call.

Also, I offered to repair the chargers of an e-max owner in Texas who replied that Kasea is honoring an e-max warranty claim on his chargers - hard to believe!


Deafscooter's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
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Deafscooter have many Brake level for E max , EVT Scooter Etc

Deafscooter have many spare brake level for emax and evt also other scooter

I havent heard from any one contact to my email and i have to force all alum
and metal to scrapyard for clean up my garage at my home and shop before
i leave to china country for my work there ...

Check on User market for update to sale in ebay or sell items direct to your door

Craig Uyeda


Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Points: 149

Hey Craig,

are you saying that you have a left brake handle (black) ??
If so, please e-mail me the price at

safesoul2 [at]



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Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: Friday, November 17, 2006 - 17:39
Points: 519
Done, all scrapmetal

I already got $ 252.67 on three dead emaxx scooter with
all metal include Hub motor, wheels , all alumuim , Wiring

I forced threw three emax scooter with all parts stripped
and THREW all pieces to Scrapyard and i collection money

No one want buy Hub motor 2000 watts ( i chopped all Hub motor and look inside )
then i shredding the copper winded from Hub motor and Threw to Metal Scrap yard


Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Price policy

I would not be the least bit surprised about people not biting with a pricing policy such as deafscooters. He expected me to pay 30 % ABOVE the NEW price of the part, however it was old and USED....chuckle.....can't believe it!

Meanwhile I got the part from GMImotorsports for less money and the shipping was also 50% cheaper than he wants to charge....

Certain folks, even if admittledly resourceful and profit-oriented (even for scrap metal - hey, good for you) however remain unwilling to contribute to this forum, just brag about their accomplishments and practically NEVER once share insight about technical assistance useful for our forae...... think about reconsidering their approach a bit and get more community oriented!


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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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E-max parts???


You NEVER wrote that you had e-max hub motors! Why did throw them away for scrap??? If you were going to do that, why didn't you at least offer to sell them for a more reasonable price, or even for free if necesary. Or maybe you are just pulling our leg again....

Have fun in that big land of workers ground down in sweatshops making defective plastic crap, dictatorship, and no civil liberties...

good-bye and good riddance...

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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Points: 1416
He could have offered the

He could have offered the parts to us discounted 90% and still made more money than he got as scrap! But I guess he's thinking that, regardless of the benefits of promoting EV development (I want a spare e-max hub motor for some rewinding testing). It just, might, theoretically, depress the market price for these goods a teeny, tiny amount, and so it must not, on principle, be done. You know - the principles of the California produce marketers who, in the 1930's, threw perfectly good vegetables off the docks into SF bay and shot at any penniless, starving Okies who dove in after it...

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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thinking process

Hmmm.....that sounds like a real good -and highly intellectually reasonable - thought process....however I think that there are less subtle mechanisms at work here ;-)

Thank god we have other members who contribute in a generous manner (like yourself, PJD) and seem to be more intersted in helping others versus making loads of blatantly self-congratulating posts and statements.

Ok enough of this - check out my post about the recently self-balanced pack on my E-MAX ......let's keep driving the future and helping each other out!


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