Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

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Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

Video: Al Gore: Silicon Valley can save earth is a portion of a speech Al Gore gave last weekend at the Silicon Valley Joint Venture event in San Jose, Calif. That meeting is a yearly meeting where Silicon Valley luminaries pat themselves on the back for being so brilliant in leading technological change etc. Whatever. In any case he's telling these Silicon Valley people they can directly participate in providing the technology that can change the path of the climate crisis. I've lived here for almost 17 yrs and I do know there are several companies in Silicon Valley dealing with solar energy technologies ...

Gore to Silicon Valley: You can save this civilization ..text version of that same piece.

What rising sea levels could mean for coastal areas talking about the threat of rising sea levels, because of climate change, to the low lying areas. As I said I live in Silicon Valley and last year when I saw An Inconvenient Truth that scene where he shows the effect of rising sea levels on various urban areas in the world - that was eye opening because one of them centered on where I live, and it showed the place where I live right now being under water, as would be the place where my job is, etc.

- David Herron,

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

I would probably move. You are pretty much hosed, I am in Kansas. If you think that Joe schmo, wife/2.1 kids are going to change......, I am so sorry but my fellow workers wont walk 100 feet to recycle anything, i cant even talk my wife into an earth contact home. I have got her on the geothermal heat pump bandwagon. It seems we have lit the match that has caused a cascade effect in the melting, I dont believe we can stop it at this point. Proabably a good idea would be to buy land at about 1200 feet ele. near the coast, might need a cement house with a few turrets. Its going to be messy. It will be nicer to swim in the ocean though cause it will be so much warmer, just have to watch out of all the hurricanes and the debris from all the submerged cites. I cant even imagine the changes that ocean currents and wind patterns will have. But dont worry because per Bush we are going to the moon, so we can screw that up too.

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

I wonder... When the oceans rise, and the coastal cities are swallowed up by Mother Nature's wrath, are those who deny climate change going to stay in those cities, or will they be knocking on my door asking for a place to stay?

When these fellow Americans find that we've trashed our country and made it uninhabitable, are they going to rush to one of the other nations of the world that acknowledged the climate crisis and tried to do something about it? Will the global warming deniers be apologetic about it, at least?

When we're all either frozen, submerged, or baking, would it be wrong of me to say "I told you so!" to my FOX News-watching relatives?

I hate to sound smug, but it will feel good to be vindicated after years of using alternative transportation (scooters, electric bikes) and getting condescending looks and questions about my sanity.

If everyone just used an EV to do their short daily commutes to the corner store, work, the gym, or other nearby destinations, we'd see a massive drop in our CO2 emissions, not to mention a significant step away from petroleum usage. I've been saying this for years, and only recently have people begun to see my point and understand why I rode a scooter to work instead of driving a car.

I probably won't gloat. I'll be bummed by it all, and feel sorry for the poor fools. It's not their fault they were told that climate change is a political talking point, and were urged to oppose it because it was from "the other guys".

That will bother me. I'm ashamed of my own country's record and stance on environmentalism and energy conservation., and that will haunt me when people start dying because of the climate crisis. And people will die. James Lovelock says it's too late: We're screwed. We passed the point of being able to do something about our climate problems at least a decade ago. Now, even if we all change, the ill effects of mucking up the climate will be felt... And it won't be pretty.

But what can we do? We keep on keepin' on. We keep doing what we feel is the right thing. We keep trying to make a difference. It's all we can do. We have to hope Dr. Lovelock is wrong this one time.

There's a first time for everything.

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

I hate to sound smug, but it will feel good to be vindicated after years of using alternative transportation (scooters, electric bikes) and getting condescending looks and questions about my sanity.

"I told you so" is rarely as satisfying as it seems. Those of us who have subscribed to the idea that we are collectively destroying our future have a moral obligation to try to avoid that future. It doesn't matter who spotted the iceberg first. In the end we're all in the same boat.

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

"I told you so" may not be very satisfying, but it makes your next warning more likely to be listened to.

I warned my Dad about Peak Oil several years ago, and he was skeptical. Now when I warn him about issues like global warming side-effects, he takes me a little more seriously.

My electric vehicle: CuMoCo C130 scooter.

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

I have a question.

Who can fix the GW/CC problem without screwing it up?

There are now food shortages, riots and hoarding going on do to the use of food as a oil replacement, is this how they plan to fix GW/CC?

Can anyone believe that the problem can be fixed by people that all they know is greed, cheating and stealing. These people in charge could care less about what happens to anyone but them. On top of that they have no clue how to go about fixing the problem.

Basically we are all screwed, best thing to do is be prepared for a disaster. Have enough water and food stored to last it out.


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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

In response to reikiman, and the rest of this thread (not that prophecies mean anything substantial):

Edgar Cayce:

“I had been born again in 2100 A.D. in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 years before. Scientists, men with long beads, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia.

"Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped metal flying ship which moved at a high speed.

"Water covered part of Alabama. Norfolk, Virginia, had become an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an immense earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were built of glass. Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected.

"The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them to study... These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begins those periods for the readjustments...”

I have a question.
Can anyone believe that the problem can be fixed by people that all they know is greed, cheating and stealing. These people in charge could care less about what happens to anyone but them. On top of that they have no clue how to go about fixing the problem.

I have to agree. Our great president attacked the CARB mandate that would have sprung at least a beginning for change. Years later, and we have done NOTHING substantial. All of this effort being put forth is not only not enough, it's barely anything at all. On top of that, the average vehicle gas mileage in the US has actually dropped from 20 years ago.

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

The title of this thread starts with Al Gore. I am curious about his mansion. I know he has done a few things to make it less of an Energy Hog, but I get the feeling he is using more energy then a normal family.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

Basically we are all screwed, best thing to do is be prepared for a disaster. Have enough water and food stored to last it out.


You need water capture, storage and filtration and non-hybrid seeds instead.

Google Seed Savers and Permaculture and Mycelium Running.

Mr. Mik

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

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Re: Al Gore, Climate Change, and you

burb72 wrote

I would probably move

"Okay that's it! I am moving back to Portland" :D
I'd rather deal with snow (atleast I can dig myself out!) than have the earth in the bay area sink before me
(then again Oregon and Washington are known for volcanos, hmm choices) :)

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