Test forum to potentially replace the V is for Voltage forums

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Test forum to potentially replace the V is for Voltage forums

The V is for Voltage forums are having some problems right now. This site is a proposed replacement. The purpose would be to support the Electric Vehicle community with a discussion hub and information sharing resource.

The site is built using the Drupal software which I have been using for over 2 years on my own web sites. Drupal is a very comprehensive system that provides a ton of useful capabilities, and is supported by a strong and avid user community.

The site, as currently configured, supports discussion forums and blogging. A whole huge range of other features can be added if the community desires. I believe an important feature will be the "website directory" capabilities I've implemented on my site.

The one crucial flaw to Drupal is that uploading images to a posting is a hassle. You can attach a file but getting it to appear as an image in the posting is nonintuitive. Further complicating it is Drupal is in a transition to version 5.0, and this site is running on the 5.0 beta 1 release. What that means is the contributed modules maintained by the Drupal community have not yet caught up with the 5.0 release, and the improved image handling support has not been moved to 5.0 yet.

I have the site configured to have a "moderator" classification of user. Before I will move forward with this site I want a set of people to volunteer to be moderators. The duties will be similar to your role on the VVoltage site.

I would also be putting a small amount of advertising on the site, as Ken did on his, to help pay for the server resources. Especially as I'm concerned the traffic might put a high load on the server.

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 20:11
Points: 137
Thank You for putting together this forum so fast.

"Before I will move forward with this site I want a set of people to volunteer to be moderators. "

I'll volunteer to be a moderator. I have experience -- back in the 90's -- as a web designer. I also worked at a large institution as a network administrator. I loved the forum we had, and just wish to do what little I can to help the new V,W -- whatever alphanumeric character is chosen as our mascot -- to be all the last one is. If the original V comes back from the grave somehow, all the better so far as I'm concerned. It's the info, stupid! We must protect it.

"W is for Watts" "A is for Amps"....:-)
I'd suggest sticking with "V is for Voltage" -- it's familiar and this was never, and probably will never be, a commercial venture. I don't know Ken at all, but if I was him I'd be happy and feel honored the name lived on even though the site changed.

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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 17:00
Points: 667

Hmm, I checked and vvvolts.com and vvvvolts.com are both available. I dunno, wwwatts.net popped into my mind and stuck and maybe I got carried away. It is a cute name. You can't undo a domain name registration once requested.

Oh, and, *poof*, you're a moderator.

- David Herron, http://www.7gen.com/

- David Herron, http://longtailpipe.com/

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 20:11
Points: 137
Hmm, I checked and

Hmm, I checked and vvvolts.com and vvvvolts.com are both available. I dunno, wwwatts.net popped into my mind and stuck and maybe I got carried away. It is a cute name. You can't undo a domain name registration once requested.

That was just my inflation-eroded 2 cents :-) We could offer up the pipple a buffet of name options using this site's poll function (if it's ready).

Oh, and, *poof*, you're a moderator.

Wow, that's the easy job interview ever! Guess I needn't fret about submitting a resume' :-)

So what's my salary?

Just Kidding!

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