need e-max info

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need e-max info

Hi all. I'm talking (via email) with "David" .....the member who has an E-max standard that has a damaged key switch (for sale section of the forum) about buying his scooter. I don't know anything much about E-max except what I was reading about them a couple of years ago. I understand they went out of business...etc...then reorganized, etc. I'm wondering if any of you knowledgeable folks...especially any emax owners can tell me if parts for the standard are still available...and any other info that might help me in making a decision about maybe purchasing this scooter. I'd sure be appreciative! Interested in any comments!

Thanks in advance...and email me directly if you like or post to the forum.


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Re: need e-max info

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, there isn't very much yet in our E-Max: E-Scooters Collaborative Hand Books yet, we're still updating it. FWIW some where here there is a post that states Green E Motor may have some parts.
If you need additional help lets us know.
Good Luck.

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PJD's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Re: need e-max info

The e-max key switch looks like a standard generic Chinese scooter part - you might want to try here:

Their "GMI104" probably uses the same key switch.

Ore you can just route the two key switch wires to a toggle switch in an inconspicuous place.

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