Rotoverter 94+ efficiency

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tortuga0303's picture
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Rotoverter 94+ efficiency

Has anybody thought of using the Rotoverter design in an electric vehicle application? I know that a few people have employed ac motors into their design, and this would take advantage of both induction motors which are great for wear and tear, and it would significantly reduce power usage. I saw a guy with this set up for some power tools that ran with load applied at about .5 amps idle, and .9 amps loaded, as aposed to 2.6 amps idle and 2.9 amps loaded without the modification! here is a brief explanation for those who are not familiar.

Explanation of energy savings using the RV mode
Running three-phase motors in the RV mode is a method to operate a motor at high-impedance to its input source by using electrical resonant principles. In RV mode the three-phase motor is wired to operate from one-phase power by using the addition of start and run capacitors to generate the third phase.
The RV principle is based on matching the source to the needs of the load (as referenced by Nikola Tesla) by tuning capacitors values to the load REQUIREMENTS. This will result in an as yet unrecognised superior power management with many other advantages.
The process of electrical resonance in the process of the RV allows a lower reflective power loss/draw when the motor idles. When the motor is loaded, the RV functions the same as a true transformer does.
An electrical transformer uses minimal energy in its primary winding when unloaded. The RV functions the same by using minimal energy at its input when its MECHANICAL output is unloaded. This is the most efficient Power On demand process; Normal electric motor engineering design has an inefficient power management process.
The RV solves this design flaw and also makes practical solar cogeneration possible (consult video: RV running on solar panels (, where previously it would have been impossible. The benefit of running motors in RV mode results in superior energy savings when used in the role of industrial and commercial machinery, intermittently in rotary punch applications.
Even at this very early R&D (of energy savings) stage, all 1-2 horse powered motors that are run in the RV mode can save energy in applications which employ a lathe, a drill a grinder a rotary saw, a reciprocating pump, and also vacuum pumps. But this is only the beginning.
Technically, when operating a motor in RV mode, at the start of the process the function is resonant; as the squirrel cage motor attains rotation the conditions allow a an impedance match with the line input power source. As you load this tuned resonant state it tends to go back to a semi resonant state where the power can be used more efficiently than in a normal electrical motor design.

I could see some draw backs like loosing efficiency transforming the DC to 60hz AC, added weight etc...but do you think the benefits would outweigh this?

Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, November 20, 2006 - 23:24
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Re: Rotoverter 94+ efficiency

` :?
Interesting, I've seen a post about using AC motors, but still don't really understand it.

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