The RazorPR200 is a Small and slow pocket bike that shows the cost efectiveness to own and operat an EV. I know it is not a true EV but it is very fun and easy to work and best of all very easy to make into a joy to ride. If you like to just ride in a drive way or even an "Empty" parking lot with low amount of cars passing through, You can take on all sorts of turns with just a couple cones and or some driveway chalk to mark out a track in even the smallest places. Stock the bike is slow but at only 35 pounds it is lighter then all the gas bikes out there( I may be rong, but most gas bike are over 40 pounds) so it can turn on a dime after the tires get warmed up.
In this thread I would like to discuss every sort of mod you can do to this bike:
1.) Front brake set up (Very New!!!)
2.) Better speed
3.) Quicker charging
4.) How to fit bigger motors in the bike(with out welding!)
5.) Disk brake set up(back wheel)
6.) Better run time
7.) Better gear Ratios
8.) High speed sealed BB's for front and back wheels
9.) Inline motor protection fuse
10.) what paint to use on the plastics
And many more later.......
If any one has an Idea for a how to Video for the Razor bring it up and I will try and record a one for the question to hel. All my Videos will be posted on under "mrexon" I hope this helps out at least a couple people....
This shows how to mount the front brake on the RazorPR200

Parts list:
1.) Razor Pocket Rocket Rear Wheel Assembly with "Silver Brake Plate" ($20)
2.) Razor MX500 and MX650 Brake Lever Assembly with Cable ($9)
3.) You will need a spring like the one used on the rear brake ($?)
go to a MoM/PoP hardware store and bring the rear spring with you so you can get one that is a near match
4.) 3/4" to 1" electrical Rubber insultaed Clamp ($2)
hardware store
5.) you will need a bicycle store and get an old BMX style brake "Diacomp tech 77" 1980's style.
then take the wire catcher for the cable (the screw that holds the cable but lets the wire line pass through)
I know it is wordy but I will edit this later and add a video parts list so it is a bit better to take in....
6.) some small screws and bolts
Tool Required:
1.) Cut off wheel/ grinder
2.) standard hand tools
3.) allen renches
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
I will be working on this one this week end
Updates will be posted by sunday EVE
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
thank you for making this blog. I also want to increase my razor pocket rocket's speed. What kind of parts do you use. Can you add this in the guide. Also where can i get these parts?
(Note: if your RazorPR200 has plastic foot pegs you will have to buy the full motion twist grip(Hall style) the ones in the newer PR200"s are on/off twist grips and well I dont feel that these will be safe to had a lot of power to. You will need to controll the power to be safe...go to this is the twist grip you will need)
Parts list:
1.) three 12volt7amp hour gell cells(the PR200 has 2 already)
2.) one 36 volt controller(the RazorMX500/650 controller is the cheapest you will find new)
3.) 36volt charger(razor again, lol has it)
time this should take:(to make)
30min-1.5 hours
Dont start this untill you have got all the parts,. You wont need to buy a new motor for this one, but you will need to remember to check the motor's temperature about 15minutes into every run. The motor will get hot but, you are adding an extra 12 volts to make some cheap power and speed. The stock motor will fail in or about 1.5 years at 36volts. I ran one at that voltage longer(2years+) but I was very nice to that motor....
I just thought I would tell every one what to look out for after you do this to the bike. I dont think any one that will mod ther bike will mind cause I had my first RazorPR200 up to a 500watt motor shortly after I did the 36volt is like a habit once you start you cant stop adding better stuff into the bike more and more....
instructions Are on the way.......Posting the vid tonight!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
Thanks for all this work and everything. I actually have 4 of those gel batteries because i bought two spares. so all i need is the controller. How fast will this upgrade make my pocket bike go?. Also one more question (sorry i know i'm a pain with all of these questions) do I need to purchase that twist throttle? It looks to be the exact same one on my stock pocket rocket. Thanks i cant wait to get this project started. Yes my foot pegs are not the plastic ones so i don't have to worry about that. Thanks again.
PM me with these questions from now on
If you would like contact me on you tube, It is better that way and faster.
Your bike must be the dreaded 2007 model with the (honda)MinniMoto STEEL! wheels(that is correct, contact Razor and complain just as I did)
As for the Twist grip, If yours only moves like 1/4" of a turn. Then it is the on and off kind. I strongly recommend you order the 3/4 turn twist grip I posted, plus it will plug right into the RazorMX500/650 controller(36volts@32amps). This is good cause the twist grip wires are the only ones that can get a New"B"modder frustrated a bit...Think of this as a good thing....
I am away from my place right now on the road, so sorry I did not post yet, but I am writing down the plans to do this the best way so every one can get it the first time they see it......In the end this one video should at least help out a couple hundred people that would like to make a slow bike a tad bit faster and for less money then it takes to do hop ups on other hobbies.....with the(36voltsystem) controller,twistgrip and charger the set up should run you under $80....that is cheap for the almost 10mph you gain in the end! Yep!, the bike should do 26mph give or take. so get a helmet and some knee pads!! be safe and dont be a dumb as$ like me and ride in the streets, RazorPR200 are best in the driveway and empty parking lots!
this video is the 36volt set up! 27MPH!
this is to show how much more grunt the bike has. 19mph held threw the cones
:jawdrop: April 30, 2006
Mr_exon going big, more like on the road and UNSAFE!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
i have an idea that might save me some time and cash. If I just wire the extra battery directly to the engine and mount a switch to the handle bar to turn it on and off when needed would that work? This would save me the twist throtle, controller. So even if the answer is no can you still post the video.
THanks again,
I am working on a script for my next *RazorPR200* "DIY" video.
Parts list: (36v and 48v set ups are .A/.B)
36volt set up parts:
1)Razor MX500 Throttle
#8190043 Price: $17.95
2.A)Razor MX500 Battery Charger (36volts@2amps)
#8190014 Price: $29.95
3.A)Razor MX500 & MX650 Controller (36volts@35amps)
#8190015 Price: $20.95
4.A) 12volt *7* amp hour cells (you will need 3 of them for the 36 volt set up)
cost is about $9-20 a cell
48volt parts:
1)Razor MX500 Throttle
#8190043 Price: $17.95
2.B) 48volt battery charger
3.B)48 volt 40-50amp controller
scooter parts stores for about $50
4.B) 12volt *7* amp hour cells (you will need 4 of them for the 48 volt set up)
cost is about $9-20 a cell
the video will show the easiest way to convert the stock *RazorPR200*(2007 model) into a semi race set up for parking lot practice or just riding around the house and haveing fun on.
Video will be 8min long with 30second sets for each chapter of the movie. If all goes well this will be the BEST RazorPR200 UPGRADE VIDEO EVER DONE TO DATE!!!! I have already made a 6page note book with slides and info so I can make the video all pre planned like the PRO's in hollywood do. A lot of people already know this video is in the works and cant wait for me to get'er done.
I will have to record over 2 hours of film then cut it all down to 8min for a youtube(director's) broadcast
Wish me luck every one, this is going to be a week of long hard work on video edits and less then a day of work on a brand new *RazorRP200* to make up the video....
PS, I found out how to fab a mount up that bolts on the stock razor so that you can add up to a 1000watt motor that just bolts on....More on this later! Now off to the local Wmarts to find a PR200 to work on
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
Great sounds insane. So how is the video going. Im already did your 36v mod but how do I get the better gear ratio's. I cant find any sprockets online thanks.
Sorry for the lag on my part....(did Visforvoltage go down last month?)
Any ways...I have to part from this project file....
I can no longer find PR200's at any Wmart in NY state
A hint to you about the 48volt set up////
You need to use the 12volt12ah cells the 7ah ones done take to well to over 40amps on take off.... I ran into the 12v7ah problem my self my first year....
I can and will be doing a page for the dirtRocket(MX350)
I have it going over the high30's at this point and it is a blast for trail riding behind gas bike(key word there "Behind")
Lastly, go to yahoo search for electric scooter parts
ther will most likely have gears on there, but a gear change will not really help that 200watt motor in the speed department. a 200watt motor will get you into the mid 20's and even up to the 30's but you will hit a speed wall at around 28mph with that motor. there is just not enuff HP for any more speed that that even with a gear change....
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
I am back!!!!!!!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand