Has anyone heard how Ken is doing with getting the old board up again?

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Has anyone heard how Ken is doing with getting the old board up again?
Fechter's picture
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Ken is MIA

I tried to email him yesterday and my message was returned with a message that said something like "message undeliverable, recipient's mailbox full", so I guess Ken is a bit behind on reading his mail. I take this as a bad sign.

Gman's picture
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Has anyone heard how Ken is doing with getting the old board up

I heard from him twice this week, nothing was mentioned about the site, and I didn't ask.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

Gman's picture
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I tried to email him yesterday and my message was returned

Where did you send it?

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

Fechter's picture
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I'm sure Ken has more than one email address

I sent it to something like ken@digid (I'd have to search my sent file to be exact).

If you have heard from him recently, I'm sure we'd all like to get an update on what's going on with the old board (if anything).

Gman's picture
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If you have heard from him recently

The first time was by mistake also the second time by mistake. He has a new phone and apologized for the mistake when he realized it was me and not his wife.
He did not volunteer any information, and I did not ask.
The last thing I heard from him was that $600.00 was needed, and I posted the link to make donations.
11/25/2006 2:55:06 PM http://visforvoltage.com is off line, all bad codes have been removed. Now working on the upgrade to prevent further attacks in the future. Donations are needed for a comprehensive software upgrade.
PLEASE DONATE TODAY: http://visforvoltage.com/donate.html

I do have his phone number, but I see no reason to call and bother him unless there is a emergency or something.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

Gman's picture
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I sent it to something like ken@digid

That's the correct email, I know he has replied to some people, but I don't know from which email.
I try not email him, because it just backlogs the emails even more.
That's the reason I set up the updates on http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VRefuge/ so the latest news would be accessible. He asked me not to give out the phone number and I won't. After the problems with people not believing me and I was probably the Hacker etc, and I told him what was going on, he said "Tell them you talked to me".
The last update I have was the 11/25/2006 2:55:06 PM Update, and he said he would post a update on the visforvoltage.org site latter that evening.
I do know one other person has received a latter reply from Ken, and I was told he was making some progress locating clean backups. Based on the information I saw the first backup only went back to June 2006. Then people started using the site again, ignoring my request to wait until Ken said it was ok to return so it they refused so the index was changed to this:
We are in the process of sanitizing and upgrading this site
due to an attack by hackers. Please come back later.

Click here to visit the temporary Forum at visforvoltage.org
for information and updates.

Now all you get is:
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* Return to the previous page and pick another result.
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I only know of one person that said they made a donation, Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:50 pm http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VRefuge/message/26
The Tue Dec 5, 2006 10:57 pm post by the same person saying
"Well, looks like the voltage forums are not responding at the moment. Anyone know what's up with that?"
The post seem very strange to me for someone that had made a donation and I strongly replied to both.
If there are any new updates I will now only post them at http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VRefuge/ and subscribers will automatically receive it as a Special Notice. Posting the update to other sites has created problems, and my post have been edited on this site to imply Ken said something that he didn't. So I will no longer post any updates here.
It will be one month Thursday 12/21/2006 since his return, and I will contact him then for a monthly update and will post the information on http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VRefuge/
The V Refuge is now owned by the Vrecoveryteam, so it will be a perpetual site for the Visforvoltage family.
It would seem to me, when Ken realized it was me the second time, our conversation would have included something about V if he had anything he wished me to pass on. It did not include any mention of V and I did not ask. I seems Ken is still a very busy person right now, and if there are no donations toward the $600.00 he told me was needed, then it might be awhile if ever that V returns. You can draw your own conclusions, that's just my conclusion based on what has happen.
He did say during a early conversation he would need moderators, and if I could be one refer some to him, and I answered yes to both. I will refer moderators from the current moderator team that have preformed effectively and I have confidence in during our 12/21/2007 conversation if needed.
His initial plans were to restructure the management of V, and I feel there are now some very qualified people here on VV that could very easily handle the task of managing V.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
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The donation link doesn't

The donation link doesn't work either, because the website is done I'm afraid :-(

Gman's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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donation link doesn't work either, because the website is done I

Sure seems that way now. It was a old link I found from the last time, I think it was connected to his email or something. I never tried it, there was just a page on the site. I probably need to double check the link.
I also need to chat with you, I thought I had your email. Is it ok if I do it through endless, or you can contact me georgejjonesjr [at] hotmail.com. Reid suggested I contact you for some additional information about hosting this site.
In the mean time I'll double check that link again, it might have worked as long as the site was up even with the: We are in the process of sanitizing and upgrading this site
due to an attack by hackers. Please come back later.

Click here to visit the temporary Forum at visforvoltage.org
for information and updates.

But now with all the Google warnings and stuff it will be very difficult to recover.

Glad you caught that, it was a link to the page on the site:
I'll have to make the necessary changes now that the site is down.
--- In zappy [at] yahoogroups.com, Ken Trough wrote:
I forgot that yahoo distorts email addresses. The address to send your donation to get V is for Voltage back on the air is: ken@ digd.com.

Thanks again for your support!
-Ken Trough
V is for Voltage
http://visforvoltage.com --> currently off line

I'll also ask him where the donations should go now that the site is down and let you know.
As we say good looking out

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

Gman's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Donations to ken@ digd.com. Ken working on Site Now

Ken just said he is working on the site now and send donations to ken@ digd.com.
There is more I will post it latter on http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VRefuge/ got to finish my yard work etc.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

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I donated $$ to the old V is for Virus website, only to find that Ken was using it to host his Zortch site, then couldn't be bothered to keep VforV alive and well. His promises to get the old site "..up and running in a few days" more than a month ago have proven to be hollow. So, why does Ken keep using Gman (yes, I know that they are supposedly not the same person) as his mouth piece? Is there something about the "fingerprint" that his email address would leave? Am I the only one thinking that there is something *very* suspicious about this behavior?


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You're not the only

You're not the only one.
Gman (ken?) has effectively taken over this board. One of his first actions was to oust moderators like myself, chasb, and fetcher who were already here before him, and do so without warning or reason. Then he reenlisted some, all the while being Ken's mouthpiece to beg for more donations and shill for ken's projects on every ev forum available. These last ones are in regards to a machine, the G2, you suggested was stolen from the Nedra event?




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Xyster: There are a lot of words that can be used to describe the similarities between "Eilean/G2" and "The Dragonfly Project"... plagiarism comes to mind. Outright theft would be more accurate. Ken has lost any integrity he might have had, and Gman seems able to hear only from the ear that Ken is speaking into. Let me try to reach him through the other ear.

Gman: Would you like to see a copy of the police report stating that the G2 was stolen from Stevil_Knevils' garage?! Perhaps you would be interested in viewing a letter from the curator at the Whatcom Museum -where the G2 was on display as part of its' exhibit, "MOTORCYCLING: The Good, The Bad and The Custom"- stating, "..the G2 was stolen from (Steven Muskarelli) and does not belong to the person who loaned us the G2 for our exhibit."

Better check yourself before you deck yourself!


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Would you like to see a copy of the police report

No that won't be necessary, me seeing the reports.
It doesn't say much for the Police Department there, does it. If a crime was committed, and now they are showing it off to the local media.
I heard,(only heard) the technology had been stolen, but this is the first time hearing the whole G2 had been stolen, there were no patents or anything applied for?
I notice Stevil_Knevil is still around doing something in Memphis Racing and Honda, is he aware who broke into his garage and took the G2?
I'm tempted to send him the article, and let him decide. Is he still residing in Sebastopol, CA?

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

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Stevil Knevil

Is Stevil Knevil the owner of Evolution Motor Works which is so similar to Evolve Motorworks?

"Stevil_Knevil's Avatar
Stevil_Knevil Stevil_Knevil is offline

Pocketbike(s): Elektrik X1 & X6

City: Sebastopol
State: California
Country: United States

Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 38
Stevil_Knevil is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Owner

Are you making more headway in the evolution of the E-PB?

Yes.. funny you should use that term Jay, Evolution Motor Works (*** biz) is the name of my company. I built two X6 Eracers for a customer, and shipped them to his elektrik karting track in Sweden for testing and evaluation. The EMW shop prototype is constantly evolving as new ideas for improvements over the original build are experimented with. Soon after I fit the auxiliary 12V lighting and horn, the motorized bicycle plate that I applied for from the DMV was fit -It became street-legal. Testing has become ALOT easier now that I am able to ride it almost anywhere in SL mode. I will be rolling out to the ************ Spring National with the #58 Eracer this weekend to see what good I can do with it.. should be fun! -S"
End of post

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

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Evolution Motor Works & Evolve Motor Works are different owners



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Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

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Oh ya.. Ken is hard at work

You can check on his progress here:
Send money! Ken needs more L.E.D.s!


Fechter's picture
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I don't know how you located that thread but it does seem to indicate that Ken's priorities don't include restoring the old forum. I am disappointed.

Gman's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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You can run but you can't hide from Google

You can run but you can't hide from Google, that's the problem when you keep using the same user name, next comes identity thief.
I couldn't understand why no one could reach Ken, I used the contact information he provided, and he replied the next day and gave me his phone number, and I called him.
I never doubted he had another life other than V, he's got to eat just like the rest of us.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">

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