Site looking good

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Gman's picture
Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: Monday, November 20, 2006 - 23:24
Points: 1720
Site looking good

It seems to be coming alone very good, congratulations on a wonderful job.
I will be slowly backing out of my involvement with visforvoltage, It's just too much. I need to get back to a regular life.
Everything I see being posted seems to indicate you all have decided to go with the .org

Important notice:

The entire Voltage site was hacked by a malicious intruder who now contols its course.

It is a virus delivery bomb with new bugs added constantly.
Your computer is infected if you employ the IE browser.
Scan your computer for virus and malware.

It's hard to believe, but
this place must be abandoned

See the signature lines

We have all moved to

That's the same name, but no longer with the .com suffix.
It's a new administration of this forum by this forum's old members.

See the "Announcements" panel over there.
Read Ken Trough's old, 2004 mission statement
and his "Will" for this old V forum.

It's time to quit posting real content here;
we don't want newcomers to get a virus.

See you here:

(helping to put out the word)

So this is my 2 week notice I will not be or wish to be the security person or have any responsibility at all.
I wish you all the best of luck, your doing a great job.


Gman's picture
Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: Monday, November 20, 2006 - 23:24
Points: 1720
2 week notice rescinded

I am rescinding my 2 week notice, seems I have since become a moderator here. I have never been a forum moderator, and really have no desires to ever be one. I will continue to address security issues, which I was requested to do, until Tuesday 12/05/2006. Recovery was part of my initial Security Plan, and that's the reason the V Refuge was created to be a safe place where disconnected members could go and receive the latest information, and be reconnected with other members. I have recently removed myself as owner, and now am just one of the moderators. This will insure the site continues even if something happens to me and I disappear and return to my regular life. To address the perpetuity issue the new owner is now the V Recovery Team vrecoveryteam [at] which will be made up of several concerned volunteers.
The other part of the plan was to address "what if" issues, and I'm addressing those issues now.
FYI Ken has also asked me to be a moderator when his site returns, and I accepted. He has also asked me to help him recruit moderators and I also accepted. I have also informed him that in the future if I can no longer preform my duties, I would give him ample notice.

Peace Out,

Peace Out, <img src="">

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