Do E-scooters and E-bikes have the greatest range right after charging?

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - 09:49
Points: 170
Do E-scooters and E-bikes have the greatest range right after charging?

I just noticed that my Evader electric scooter has significantly greater range if I drive it right after the charger finishes its charging cycle. Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone know why this would be true?

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 13:01
Points: 137
Re: Do E-scooters and E-bikes have the greatest range right afte

Yes, I have seen the same thing, although I wouldn't use the word "significant". It's more like a few percent. I guess there are basically two reasons, one is that as soon as you stop charging the battery voltage will slowly start falling, and there will be a leakage current internally that drains the battery slowly. The other is that the charging heats up the battery somewhat, which helps. Most battery types perform better at higher temperatures.

If you experience a very big difference in range, you might want to check the scooter so it's not draining the batteries even when it's switched off. There might be a faulty relay or switch so it takes some current always.

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - 09:49
Points: 170
Re: Do E-scooters and E-bikes have the greatest range right afte

It's more than a few percent overnight in my case, and I think I may have figured out the reason. My battery pack is slightly unbalanced, with three 12V-45AH batteries and one 12V 50AH battery. I also use powercheqs, which protect my batteries under these circumstances but they are always working to keep the batteries in balance given the slightly different characaterisitic of the fourth battery. I use a 3-stage charger with a lower float voltage than the final charging voltage, so when the charger switches over to float, the batteries can lose some voltage before the charger switches on again. Powercheqs are efficient, but not 100% efficient, and I bet that is where I am llosing my energy over time.

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