Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

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Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

Hi there folks
I have a kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor which fits the currie and us pro drive bike kits
But it spins counterclockwise
Does anyone know how to reverse the direction of this motor?
So that it spins clockwise.
2 power cords red and black
3 wires for 5k pot to adjust speed.

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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

It can be done, but it's a bit tricky.

You would need to take the motor apart to get to the wires that go from the controller (built into the end) to the hall sensors and phase wires. There are 3 phase wires (the fat ones) and 5 hall wires (on the small piece of circuit board).

To reverse rotation, you would need to reverse two of the phase wires and two of the hall wires.
This means you would need to cut them and re solder them in the new configuration.

I've never actually done this with a Kollmorgen motor, but I can make an educated guess as to which wires to reverse.

If you look at the picture, this is a Kollmorgen motor setup for an external controller. The colors on your motor may be different, but the positions will be the same. I would try reversing the red and black phase wires and reversing the orange and red hall wires.

If one of the connections is not right, there's a possibility of smoking the controller. To test, power up the motor and try giving just enough throttle to turn it over. If the motor does not start turning by itself, then one of the connections is wrong. It's also a good idea to use a current limited power supply for testing if possible.


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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing


Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - 19:15
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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

Kollmorgen motor external connections untested and so stuff i found on another form
then I played with the data.

5 pin connector – Hall sensors Controller sensor connection
1- grn-sensor gnd black
2 – red - +5 for sensors red
3 – wht -S1 yellow
4 – blu – S2 green
5 – brn – S3 blue

Motor Phases * is for higher speed more current,

Red (is red inside motor) Green Blue*
Blk (is blk inside motor) Yellow Grn*
Grn (is wht inside motor) Blue Yel*

Reorder to A B C phases

A Red (is red inside motor) .... A Green .... Blue* B
B Grn (is wht inside motor) .... B Blue .... Yel* C
C Blk (is blk inside motor) .... C Yellow .... Grn* A

Reverse motor, by swaping A and C phases. And A and C halls.

A Red (is red inside motor) .... C Yellow .... Grn* A
B Grn (is wht inside motor) .... B Blue .... Yel* C
C Blk (is blk inside motor) .... A Green .... Blue* B

So looking at this, knoxie high speed mod for CW motor is,

Swap Phase B and C , and hall sensor, A and C ,

This gets more confusing, but I think, this should work for, for CCW motor,
for CW rotation at high speed and more current .

Cut red , black and white phase wires,

In CCW Controler,
Controller Black is A -- to -- Motor White is B
Controller White is B -- to -- Motor Red is C
Controller Red is C -- to -- Motor Black is A

Should run CW at higher speed more current drawn no load

Untested, good luck.


Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

I'am confused,is the last picture correct and ony phase wires cut? or are hall wire changed depending on motor color code.Trying to hopefully get up to 36v 48v and use a 30 amp Crystalyte controller. I would like clockwise rotation as i have a ccw motor ?


Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

Has anyone tested this "re-wiring" to reverse the direction... did it work?

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:43
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Re: Kollmorgen 24 volt bike motor needs reversing

i have recently purchased the kollmorgen 400 watts bldc motor with built-in speed controller for installing it on to a trike. when I installed it on to the trike, the motor wasn't able to pull the trike. so i uninstalled it and ran it again, the rotor oscillated on it's position and when I rotated it by hand it continued to rotate but with lesser rpm. I just want to know that is the one of the phase winding has burnt? and Is the built-in speed controller still fine and would it work as earlier if i replace the winding?


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