Maker Faire in SF Bay Area

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Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 17:52
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Maker Faire in SF Bay Area

Okay, this isn't explicitly an EV event, however it is an opportunity to show the public something about electric vehicles. It's especially interesting because personal electric vehicles are something that an individual with interest and talent could get into doing on their own with a small investment. I know that's what's happened for me, and for a lot of y'all. The Maker Faire is sponsored by Make Magazine, so you can rush to the book store and leaf through the magazine to see what they're about. At last years Faire Todd Kollin was there demonstrating his electric GPR motorcycle.

Maker Faire 2007 details

It looks to me like they're primarily for individuals to show stuff that they "Make", that it's not limited to commercial people who are selling stuff but it's more about people tinkering in their garage or wherever they're doing it.

The important date, if you want to demonstrate something, is Feb 24, 2007. Unfortunately I'll be traveling that day and can't be there to "audition".

- David Herron,

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