Advancing Renewables in the Midwest

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Advancing Renewables in the Midwest

March 28: Advancing Renewables in the Midwest - One-day Conference in
Columbia, Mo.

Spurred by increasing public interest and new technology, renewables are producing increasing opportunities for supplying sustainable energy to our economy. The Midwest, as a distinct region of the country, has a unique blend of renewable energy challenges and opportunities that require different development profiles compared to other regions of the country. The focus of the "Advancing Renewables
in the Midwest," a one-day all-day conference to be held in Columbia, Mo. on March 28, is to increase communication regarding renewable energy development in the Midwest. Region-based renewable energy projects and technologies, including the diverse resources of wind, efficiency, biomass, and solar, are discussed and exhibited at this event sponsored by Columbia Water and Light, Missouri Department
of Natural Resources, and the University of Missouri. Event agenda, speaker information, session topics, and registration information are available at A special pre-conference solar water heating seminar will be offered on Tuesday, March 27. See this Web site for details. A limited number of booth spaces are available for parties interested in demonstrating their services in the
exhibition hall. Contact Terry Freeman of Columbia Water & Light at (573) 817-6460 or TWFREEMA [at] for exhibitor information.

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