Ideas to get EVs "on the road"

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Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
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Re: Ideas to get EVs "on the road"

I've been toying with a similar idea and it had some of the functions mentioned earlier in this topic.
I pictured the truckstop across the street first. Behind me is a large farm for sale to be made into a business park. What if it were turned into a windfarm, generates energy to run the truckstop. Truckstop revamp could be made to have an ev dealership, charging stations with a pay for time inside. turn on juice for 2 hours etc. These can be placed around the building on the wall for electric vehicles. We can still sell diesel and gas, and maybe include bio-diesel. Now we have an ev sales building and a place to charge vehicles, being powered by the windfarm, at places across town we can set up small shops for charging like a normal convienience store. Perhaps even a parking garage with charging stations set up, nearby major business areas for the ev commuters. People who have bought vehicles from us can charge for a minimal fee or whatever. all of the stations can also have replacement packs on charge for a quick change to drive in and go. This would cost more then the folks who go shopping and leave the car parked to charge. Can use solar panels on the tops of the buildings in town to help generate some of the juice to keep costs down. Then once it is set up in one town, turn it into a franchise so it can multiply.
Love when the dream starts and something else pops up. Have also been playing with the idea of windfarms because 2 counties here in Virginia are working on them one is approved another is in process of getting aproved, This county isnt doing anything yet that I know of, also have looked at a small business in which we set up small stations for individuals, to help control home costs.
Actually was thinking of wind farms first then the EV ideas started, then I decided to convert one of my motorcycles to start learning, and here I am :)


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