The eRex Lives (still...)

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Private Nukem
Private Nukem's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
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The eRex Lives (still...)

Well, it's going much slower than planned but with the job, kids and assorted home projects the eRex Project is still moving along. I've got the basic structure for mounting the swingarm tacked in place but I still have to do some heavy welding to get the mounts solid - given my current welding skills that is probably going to require alot of grinding and re-welding but that's how you learn.

Plans are still for a running test this Spring and then all the paint and body panels in the back around the battery tray and controller mounting. I've also got some great LED headlights and running lights to add once its complete. I just better get it complete before my son outgrows it and it has to sit and wait for the next kid to get big enough to drive it.

Here's some pix to show the current config/status.


chas_stevenson's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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RE: The eRex Lives (still...)

Hey Nukem,

I was looking at the pictures of your eRex they were great what happened to them. I am also interested in the LED headlight you mentioned. Could you give us some more information about eRex, like motor size, batteries, possible speed and distance on a charge. Looking forward to hearing more about this vehicle. It looks like a winner to me, but maybe you should have made it a little bigger so you could ride it too.

Wishing I could weld,
Chas S.

Gman's picture
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pictures of your eRex they were great what happened to them?

Is that better? :?

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Private Nukem
Private Nukem's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 20:17
Points: 70
The eRex, LED headlamps & stuff

Chas -

Thanks for the encouragement - the eRex pictures should be back up and viewable - Gman helped me out as I wasn't sure exactly how to add images on this new forum - attached are a few more of the eRex prototype (actually it will be the only one, but "prototype" makes it sound more cool".
The LED headlamp is actually a worklight intended for use on a forklift in a warehouse and it is made by a company called JW Speaker - a friend of mine had one and donated it to the cause - follow the link here to check out the current versions of the light (mine is slightly older) - its got great light output and uses pretty low current and has a very cool looking housing with cooling fins that will really fit the look of the eRex. It wouldn't meet any regulatory lighting requirements but the eRex is not exactly intended as a commuter vehicle - but it will give good conspicuity for the vehicle and for those night-time test runs in empty parking lots - I also promised my son some red ground-effects LED lighting for under-body lighting and some around the powertrain.
I will keep updating the eRex info as I hope to finally get some of the final welding done so that I can mount the swingarm to the vehicle and get the battery tray fab'd in. A buddy of mine has a heated garage and I hope to haul my welder and the 'Rex over there soon.


JW Speaker LED headlamp/worklight: model_700_led

"In order to get to the truth, the first thing you have to do is get all the liars in one room."


[i]"In order to get to the truth, the first thing you have to do is get all the liars in one room."[/i]

chas_stevenson's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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Points: 1309
RE: The eRex, LED headlamps & stuff

Private Nukem,

That is a great idea for a headlight. I like the fact it will run on anything from 12 to 48-volts. Hope you get the eRex over to your friends place so you can have it ready when the warm weather gets here.

Looking Good,
Chas S.

aproldan's picture
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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Re: pictures of your eRex they were great what happened to them?

what kind of motor is that on erex.. looks like a monster????


Private Nukem
Private Nukem's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 20:17
Points: 70
Re: pictures of your eRex they were great what happened to them?

The whole rear end of the eRex is from an EMB Lectra Electric motorcycle - swingarm and all. The motor is a brushless dc proprietary motor from EMB that I believe was 2 kW. Expected top speed is 35-40 mph.


"In order to get to the truth, the first thing you have to do is get all the liars in one room."

[i]"In order to get to the truth, the first thing you have to do is get all the liars in one room."[/i]

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