ZAP Zapino

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Wizard's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 - 19:15
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ZAP Zapino

Hi All,
I have been wanting to post this for a while but I haven't gotten to it until now.


I went to the ZAP dealer training a while back and they had one of these there. It is the Kasea that we have seen before. I road it at ZAP and I was impressed with the speed. I normally ride an EVT 168 so itn doesn't take much speed to impress me but I thought this one did ok.
There are a couple good points here:

One is that it looks like ZAP is going to be around for a while so parts would be available.

Two is that ZAP has EEs on staff so support questions would be answered.

The part where I become unsure is when I think about how involved ZAP is with the Xebra electric cars. Will there be time to support this scooter with so much energy being devoted to the Xebra right now? I didn't really go into the scooter with the people at ZAP because I was busy learning about the Xebra but I did ride it and I thought it did pretty well. I just can't get over the sound of the brushless motors (at least the ones I have heard). My EVT is nearly silent and I love that sound of silence while I'm cruzing around on warm summer nights listening to the crickets chirp in the fields.
Give me some feedback on what you think of the name and about ZAP taking on scooters.

Mark Higley

Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, November 20, 2006 - 23:24
Points: 1720
Give me some feedback

The name is ok, and Zap does have a pretty good reputation in the USA which is positive.

Peace Out,

Please stop by the V Refuge for the latest news about the V is for Voltage Recovery effort and status.

Peace Out, <img src="">

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