EV Basics and Resources

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EV Advisors Needed

Do you have some first hand, hands on knowledge about any type of EV?
If so we're looking for V is for Voltage Community Members with those qualities.
If interested, please post what area you have some first hand, hands on knowledge about and don't mind sharing that knowledge with others.

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reikiman's picture

Patterns of driving, using and charging electric cars

I put together a wiki page (http://greentransportation.info/electric-vehicle-charging-and-usage-scenarios) laying out what I think are "all" the typical charging/driving/using scenarios for electric "cars" - and shot a video (below) about it. I'd love to hear some feedback and thoughts.

The scenarios are:

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Diagnosing problems with a multimeter

Is someone available to show me how to identify witch components of my e bike are not functioning properly with a multimeter.

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Diagnosing problems with a multimeter

Is someone available to show me how to identify witch components of my e bike are not functioning properly with a multimeter.

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Bike Left out Side, And is now Broken?

I left my bike outside and now it does not work. It powers on and makes a friendly beep, lights all work, but when the throttle is applied the motor does not spin. All that happens is the speedometer goes from 0kmh to 60kmh very rapidly along with the throttle application… But no motor action?

Can anyone tell me why my speedometer is turning but my motor is not?

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Lucrative Exim Outsourcing Private Limited

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Ken68's picture

Rear Flat Tire Repair Video

Here is a video on how to repair a flat rear tire I helped make this last Monday.


Ken Finch

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Electric bikes vs electric scooters

As the (probably deranged) owner of three electric scooters and three electric bikes, I’ve reached some perhaps controversial conclusions about the virtues and drawbacks of each. It would be interesting to see if anyone out there as the same, or different opinions. So here, worded dramatically to drive the conversation, are a few of my conclusions:

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chas_stevenson's picture

E-Bike Commuting Tips (video)

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andrew's picture

A Battery Guide

Note: This list is in progress, still updating periodically.

***If you have any info to add please go ahead and post it as a reply. I will add a link in this list to your reply and give you credit. Thanks in advance!***

Some info to help you understand batteries (yes I've done my homework, and I know this is dense, sorry about that). To help navigate this list, type [ctrl] + [F] and enter battery type.

Lithium-ion Cobalt:

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