
cooldeckresto's picture

Stealth 1000 N2 Sidewalk Chopper

This is my Stealth 1000 modified, wanted a different look and feel so I changed a few things around and got a really cool sidewalk cruiser to ride around on.IMG_3536.JPG

TFaust's picture

LEDs on THR 65 throttle

I have a SPD 2404 24VDC controller and a THR 65 throttle, The 65 throttle has LEDs for "Power, Full, and Low" but the 2404 controller's three lead connector doesn't accommodate the LEDs. Is it possible to enable the LEDs by running a wire from the positive charge plug of the 2404 to the 65's spare connection? If not, any ideas for making the LEDs indicate the battery life? Thanks.

Got the answer from doggies. Ran the spare (yellow) wire to the plus terminal (after the key power switch) and the LEDs work.


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