BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: Sunday, June 21, 2009 - 15:44
Points: 3
BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

The kids have a BladeZ xtr se 450 that is acting weird. I have gone through all the troubleshooting I can find on the web and believe the problem is the control board. The problem is that when flip the switch on you get the green light but the scooter will not go when you pull the throttle. Actually its hard to describe but the motor kind of skips sometimes when you turn it on but then quits after a few seconds... this is without touching the throttle. If you short across the throttle the motor starts doing its skip thing like its pulling against the chain and letting go in quick succession. Pulling the throttle gives no response. You can jump the battery straight to the motor and it runs. By going through the troubleshooting .... I would guess I have a bad control board. These boards run $90+ new and I am wondering if there is a cheaper viable solution or someway to fix the control board I have?

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 05:41
Points: 22
Re: BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

If you are the kind of person that likes tinkering around I highly recommend putting a schwinn controller and throttle and on/off switch in your EBlades scooter. I have an EBlades 450 watt scooter that I burned out the controller in. Rather than replace the controller with the OEM part I extended and widened the frame to allow for a third battery and turned all three batteries sideways (rotated them 90 degrees) and used a schwinn 750 watt 36 volt controller and throttle, on/off switch and charger port and the thing FLIES and is very reliable. The later model schwinn controllers also have a feature that shuts off the controller automatically after five minutes of non use which is really nice if you forget to shut off the power switch. I never tested it with a car speedo but I would guess 22-23 mph. The best charger I've found for a decent price is a Soniel 36 volt 2 amp available from I wouldn't use the schwinn charger. They are notorius for going bad and overcharging the batteries. You can get the controller, throttle, etc. from for good prices. Good luck, Frank

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: Friday, November 20, 2009 - 20:33
Points: 4
Re: BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

It could be your throttle. The throttle is cheaper to try.

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: Friday, November 20, 2009 - 20:33
Points: 4
Re: BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

If you are the kind of person that likes tinkering around I highly recommend putting a schwinn controller and throttle and on/off switch in your EBlades scooter. I have an EBlades 450 watt scooter that I burned out the controller in. Rather than replace the controller with the OEM part I extended and widened the frame to allow for a third battery and turned all three batteries sideways (rotated them 90 degrees) and used a schwinn 750 watt 36 volt controller and throttle, on/off switch and charger port and the thing FLIES and is very reliable. The later model schwinn controllers also have a feature that shuts off the controller automatically after five minutes of non use which is really nice if you forget to shut off the power switch. I never tested it with a car speedo but I would guess 22-23 mph. The best charger I've found for a decent price is a Soniel 36 volt 2 amp available from I wouldn't use the schwinn charger. They are notorius for going bad and overcharging the batteries. You can get the controller, throttle, etc. from for good prices. Good luck, Frank

Frankenstien, I did the same thing to my bladez. Widened the frame to fit 3 batt's.


Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: Monday, August 16, 2010 - 18:19
Points: 2
Re: BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

I too an now the proud owner of a BladZ XTR Street II, pretty much the same as the se 450, it has the same 450W motor, and a dead controller.

FrankenstienEV , is there any reason to recommend The prices are good, but there is no wiring diagram. on I haver at least seen a wiring diagram. Is there any problem with buying parts from electricscooterparts?

Cool setup on your motor cooler. I like it! what parts did you get for your upgrade? Where did you get them.


Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: Monday, April 23, 2012 - 22:30
Points: 2
Re: BladeZ xtr se 450 won't go....

Hi Frank" My Name Is Omar I Live In San Diego, 92104 Erea I Like What You Did To You'r Scooter, I Have a Bladez XTR-S At Least Thats What The Motor Has Ritten On it
450W 24V Comp, I Can Pay You If You Do The Same Thing To my Scooter Please Call Me And Let Me Know If You Are Willing To Work On My Scooter.
Hear Is My # (619) 288-4797 Omar,


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