this is my new vid...
Practice on my turns
This was a fine day to run my bikes as much as i could. The second time out i felt that the parking lot was clear for some turns and such
this is my new vid...
Practice on my turns
This was a fine day to run my bikes as much as i could. The second time out i felt that the parking lot was clear for some turns and such
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I have noticed in the past you have edited the same post many times. This causes the post to fall lower and lower on the resent page. Since most of our readers use the resent page to see which post are active I would ask you to post replies rather than editing the same post. When a reply is posted it will show as an active post on the resent page closer to the top. This lets our readers know it is an active post. Please note this is not a requirement just a request from someone trying to help who also likes to hear about your resent rides. When you edit the post sometimes I don't remember what is old and what is new. Reading the same post over and over is very boring.
BTW - I think you need to practice your high speed turns some more. However, it seems your low speed turns are well executed. Of course my bike can't go that fast so I know very little about high speed turns. :)
V is for Voltage
Moderator Captain
Chas S.
Moderator Team Captain
Knee drag'n
Long practice at the house
3RD person View
just minding my own and what happends next?
put your helmet on dummy!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
Sh*t that looks fun. How fast on the first two?
Show us some hill performance please.
Avatar taken from
Anyone got one they might want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here E.T.A. 1 mo
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
for a drive way 18-25mph is fast right? lol :jawdrop:
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
this is me at my test drive way, lol at my ma/pa's house
sorry the sound is off a bit, I uploaded the video from their house and they dont have the WINav converter on their computer so I cant put in in the right format right least I have a vid that shows I can drop my knees now. I get fast as hell out of those turns that way!
Electric PoWa!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
My wife took over the computer for a bit today, so I got all my fried controllers and partsed them all.
In the end I fix 1 controller, welll, modded the hell out of it. I had three 36v,two 48v and one 48v 100amp controllers....
I made one hell of a small package controller should be very good for power, 48volts at 175+ amps and it looks like a stock controller!
LoL I should take her to pinks and blow peoples minds!
I will be testing it tomorrow, wish me luck and I hope them pesky firemen dont have to put out an electrical
just joking it looks like it should work very well, My volt/ohm meter has not lied to me yet and it said the controller is working!
This is a first for me, I have never touched the inside of broken controllers befor and made them work again, my wife looked like she wanted to call me a mad scientist or something, lol
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand
the befor I fix it pic

this is the guts from the one controller I parts with the one that I got to fix
here is acouple picks, the controller worked great! today, even better then it worked when it was new!
but that was the point, lol
I put 100volt 550uF caps in it...almost twice the stock power....yea ha!
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand