Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

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Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
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Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

Have some old data from Hawker Genesis line of batteries. The following is from graphs for fast charging the 38 ah model (still available). They were charged at 90 amps, then 120 amps inrush current. The temperature peaked at 50 degrees C for the 90a test, and 55 degrees for the 120a test. The charging voltage was 14.7V.

50% Ahr returned after 11.5 min/I=90A
80% Ahr returned after 19 min/I=65.6A
90% Ahr returned after 23.5 min

50% Ahr returned after 8.5 min/I=120A
80% Ahr returned after 13.8 min/I=89.3A
90% Ahr returned after 17 min/I=44.3A

If charging this fast were practical, then this would be one hell of a step for lead-acid EVs. Anyone else got any real data from fast charge testing, done by yourself or manufacturers?

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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Re: Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

I charge my hawker odyssey PC925 28ah at 30amps all the time and It only takes about an hour to charge, I haven’t noticed any ill affects from it yet.

2006 E-Max sport @ 60v

2006 E-Max sport @ 60v

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Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 17:21
Points: 1361
Re: Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

Keith, what charger are you using, and what application is the battery for?

[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri

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Re: Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

There's a poster on the EVDL, Steve Clunn, that uses an electric lawnmower in a lawn-care business, transported by an electric pickup. As I recall, the pickup's pack is 140V, while the lawnmower was a 96V pack. During the day, he "dump charges" the mower by directly connecting it to the pickup.

One of his messages about this is:


According to this message:


He starts the charge at 200 AMPS!


Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: Friday, November 17, 2006 - 21:48
Points: 34
Re: Extreemly Fast Charging---old info from Genesis

I’m using an Iota 12 volt 30 amp charger with the IQ module to make it a 3 stage charger. Iota also makes 55, 75 and 90 amp 12 volt chargers so you could really test out their charging rates. I currently use my PC925 in series with the 48v pack on my E-max scooter to run it at 60 volts so it’s subjected to fairly high discharge rates and cycling, although I’ve only cycled it about 40 times so far.

2006 E-Max sport @ 60v

2006 E-Max sport @ 60v

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