Well, after receiving 4 dewalt batteries, I connected them up together at 36 volts, then tried to connect them in 2 pairs in parallel, then the 2 pairs in series to to get 72 volts. I got a nice spark out of that and it took me a while to figure out what I had done wrong. I should have checked the schematics before connecting them, could have saved myself a lot of aggravation. I'm hoping that I can get replacement battery management systems from some of the members that take them out and don't use them. I need three at present, to replace the 3 that I fried. Please let me know if you can help.
A123 dewalt; need bms
Mon, 05/21/2007 - 18:43
A123 dewalt; need bms
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Hi Wattsup,
Unfortunately, I don't have any to spare. I have zapped two myself.
However, if no-one in this forum has any extra Dewalt Battery Controller Modules, you might want to ask people in the RC Forums:
They are more into separating the individual batteries and will have a lot of left over modules.
There is one on E-bay for $39 if I remember right... Jeff
I think $39 is a little pricey... but this one on Ebay does also have a best offer option.
If you blew the BMS internal fuse because you wired to the outer ground (the terminal that is direct connected to the battery cells) then you can open the battery case and bypass the BMS with an external fuse. You have to solder a wire carefully to the connector and then place an inline 15A fuse which is then wired to the battery pack minus tab. Routing the wire to the terminal is tricky but can be done. I have fixed several packs this way.