Looks like there's a lot to choose from - what are some good, inexpensive units?

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: Saturday, March 17, 2007 - 20:36
Points: 2
Looks like there's a lot to choose from - what are some good, inexpensive units?

I want to commute to work, but I can't arrive sweaty - so I'm looking for an ebike that is reliable. There are minimal hills, and I expect to do some pedalling - I don't want to ride it like a motorscooter - I just want to cruise when I coast.

What do you think of the Mongoose? The Schwinns look great and are more like what I want - something with a basket and more urban-looking, but they're expensive. Primarily, I want something that won't break down at the end of the 90-day warranty.

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Last seen: 15 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 17:21
Points: 1361
Re: Looks like there's a lot to choose from - what are some good

How fast do you like to ride, and how far is work? Can you charge at work, and do you plan to use it exclusively for your home-work commute?

I do not have any experience with current e-bikes, but did own a Currie electric mountain bike years ago. The main issue was speed. The bike just didn't assist fast enough, and I found that the weight of the electrics just slowed me down. For that reason, it might be best you do your own conversion, which is fairly easy if you do a hub motor in the front wheel. If you go that route, you can design it as fast as you like with much less expense for a target speed.

E-bikes and parts:

Note: There are lots of other sources for e-bikes and e-bike stuff.

Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they might want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here E.T.A. 1 mo

[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri

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