"Buttercup" Stolen

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"Buttercup" Stolen

Last night, we were awakened by the repeated beeping of "Buttercup's" horn. Apparently, the thieves had dragged her away from our house, jimmied the steering/ignition lock, and were pressing the horn button in order to start the engine. By the time the police arrived, the thieves, and the scooter, were gone.

If you're in the Wash DC area, please have an eye out for her. She's in the background in the main photo on:

Reports of sightings can go to the Takoma Park police, 301-891-7102.


Stleride's picture
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Re: "Buttercup" Stolen

Sorry to hear about the theft. I believe circuitsmith lives in the DC area, and you may want to check the Global EV Map for others.
We have made the post a sticky, so it will be a the top of Motorcycles and Large Scooters for the next 30 days
It would probably also help if you could provide some additional information, brand name, model, etc.

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Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: "Buttercup" Stolen

Thanks. Making it "sticky" was thoughtful. Data on the scoot is at:


Still no word.


andrew's picture
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Re: "Buttercup" Stolen

Thats awesome! I think I'll get a couple for my motorcycles.

Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they might want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here

[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri

Gman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: "Buttercup" Stolen

` ;)
Make sure you have all your DMV documentation in order, when it's recovered it's your word against theres. I looked at something similar before I purchased my alarm, but the monitoring cost were too high. I have a very small 12 volt hidden Battery it will operate off, so removing the Main Battery won't cut it off. It's also a good idea to engrave a phone number on them in several locations including somewhere out of site. When the Police recover it, they will know who to call. Of course if your number is listed, now the thieves know where you live, so a cell phone number might be better, unless they steal that also.
I never carry my alarm pager on my Scooter key ring, just in case I get Jacked, and a lot of that happens.
The Police use something similar here for Bait cars, there is also a camera, and it's funny to watch. They open the car, get in and start it, the doors automatically lock, and then the show begins. Now they carry a Brick just in case, but now they Glass doesn't break so easily. If they want to follow it, then the tracking device tracks them to the chop shop or where ever.
A Officer told me there Stations have a lot of Scooters that are never claimed, and they have no way of know who to contact. One day I'm going to the auction and check it out.
Now on the X Treme XM-2000, there may be several problems, you lie or change the VIN, you register it as something else smaller, now you have to prove your the owner to the Officer and explain why you altered the paperwork or changed the VIN.
Good luck, just hope it's never stolen. A picture of you and the Scooter together may also help as well as the shipping papers.
BTW, they now have a alarm with a seat sensor sold separately.

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