U-Bolt as a motor mount?

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reikiman's picture
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U-Bolt as a motor mount?

I've got a scooter frame and a motor I want to mount on it. The scooter is an old honda elite which was stripped down and formerly had an electric drive on it. I bought it a ways back without its electric drive system and there isn't an obvious way to mount a motor.

One option I've come up with is part# 3042T39 at http://www.mcmaster.com/ ... a u-bolt with a guillotene metal piece.

The motor is a 4 1/2" cylinder, matching one of the sizes. Two of those should hold the motor in place ...but... I'm worried about whether it will keep the motor from rotating in place.

Okay, so I know the typical motor mount is a plate and there are screw holes on this motor mounting this way. I'm just having what may be a brain fart thinking about this particular mounting system.

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Re: U-Bolt as a motor mount?

I'd just buy the u-bolts and mount the motor. Then apply as much twisting force as you can which will probably be more than the counter motor torque force and see what happens.

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Re: U-Bolt as a motor mount?

Remember the original Zappy used a single hose clamp to hold the motor. I never had it come loose.
You could use multiple hose clamps and a base yoke. They make really big hose clamps.

One thing to worry about is the if the motor housing is stiff enough. This is pretty much a function of how thick the metal is. If the U bolt distorts the housing even slightly you run the risk of popping the magnets off (ask me how I know...). It might be better to use one size larger U bolt and "pad" it with some thick hard rubber material. This will also give a bit of vibration isolation.

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