We all know there is basically nowhere to charge an EV. And if you go to someones house they are going to look at you like you are crazy at first. So... Why not setup solar charging stations? Just a few in an average sized city will make owning an EV a lot less of an "oh sh*t, am I going to make it?" experience. You can stop and get an opportunity charge if it looks like you might be stretching the range.
What You'll need...
50+ w solar panel. Look for something surplus. Try and get it for nothing.
Google search "surplus solar panel"
A voltage regulator
Go to http://www.ebay.com and search "solar regulator"
A 10ft pole. High enough so that someone can't easily steal the panels.
A wooden box to bury in the ground.
Some old batteries. Look/ask around. Try businesses that look like they may use a lot of UPS systems. As long as they provide some capacity they are good enough.
A 12v DC - 120v AC inverter.
Ebay search "inverter"
Wire, hardware, and lugs at your hardware store.
A small plot of land. You could set it up to where the land owner might get some sort of tax break.
Throw it together and you've just started to build an infrastructure for EVs. If you are very resourceful it might not even cost anything. What do you all think?

I like it, perfect for some of our Public parks that have Bike trails, Forest Park Bike Paths
The St. Louis Riverfront Trail
This shelter, which features a bike rack and benches, provides a commanding view of the river and the Downtown skyline.
The Katy Trail would also be a perfect place to have some Stations, if E Bikes ever catch on here.

The Katy Trail is extraordinary because it benefits so many people of differing abilities. Each section of the trail is unique and reflects the season. Even winter is beautiful with exposed bluffs and eagles flying over the river. Part of the beauty of the trail is that you can turn around any time you want - 5 miles for some and 225 for others.
One thing I often hear from the local Petrol Scooter people, since we burn Coal to produce most of our Electricity here, is EV's are not that much better as far as being Environmentally friendly and the range problem. Solar Charging stations would solve both.
Can you draw up a rough plan with some cost estimates?
I think this would be a good project for the V is for Voltage Community to get involved with. I believe we need to do more EV Advocacy not among ourselves but to the Public, and Recreational E Bikes might be the path to use.
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">
I didn't really want to do a cost estimate because I think it makes much more sense to be as resourceful as possible instead of just spending money. The idea is to make good use of what might be available for nothing in your area.
The idea is to build lots of charging stations. They will be designed for light vehicles, the very largest being a motorcycle. They will store 1-5 kwhrs of energy depending on how many batteries you can acquire. They will be designed to be used about twice a week. Once more people start using EVs and charging at them than the generating capacity and storage capacity can be upsized. At first I think it makes more sense to make them smaller so that you can make more of them around.
To build lots of them you'll need to build them for almost nothing. Simply ask for donated parts. I'm sure a lot of businesses would donate money or materials to the cause if you ask them. If you are determined and enthusiastic than people will want to be part of your success and more than willing to help you. How many people call businesses asking for money/resources for a local cause benefiting the community? It rarely if ever happens.
I only have a rough idea of how to mount solar panels on a pole. Does anyone else here have some experience? Besides mounting the panels the following needs to be done:
1. From plywood or other material (plastic?) form box to bury in ground that is bug enough for batteries and inverter.
2. Dig hole and put box in. Then put batteries in.
3. Run inverter switch up above ground. This will require disassembling the inverter and rewiring the switch to be external.
4. Wire up batteries to inverter. Batteries can be any capacity or voltage as long as you wire exactly 12v strings or individual batteries in parallel.
5. Wire up voltage regulator between solar panels and batteries.
6. Cut hole in cover of box for outdoor 120v outlet and maybe weatherproof switch? Put label on switch that says to turn off when not in use.
7. Run inverter 120v power wires to outdoor outlet.
Turn it on to make sure that it works. Step 8 is to go to step 1. and build another solar charging station, and step 9. is to go back to step 8. until you have a whole load of charging stations }:)
Some ideas for parts:
Solar panels that are old are just fine. As long as they still output something than they are perfect. You can also use/build a wind generator but I think businesses would not be as forgiving as with solar panels. If you have to buy them, than make sure you exhaust all surplus/used sources first.
Batteries can be gotten from an auto parts store or battery store that are used/defective. As long as they hold some capacity they will work great. Check with larger chain stores as they just might have have a large stock of defective batteries like walmart, or costco.
Scrap wire/lugs. Check with a battery place, they will likely have lots of junk around.
Talk to a local place that specializes in solar power and see if they have any suggestions. They also might have stuff they wouldn't mind donating. Check with them for a voltage regulator which will likely need to be purchased.
The inverter will most likely need to be bought. It might be best to get a higher wattage one to plan for more users and/or heavier vehicles charging such as motorcycles. Ebay is a good source, but a local store might be willing to donate to your cause to help the community.
Wood can be gotten from the hardware store. Check with scrap yard for other material options.
The outdoor outlet will need to be bought from hardware store.
Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they might want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here E.T.A. 1 mo
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
I really think it's a worthy thing to do, but I have lots of questions.
I assume the Batteries would have to be removed when it begins to get cold, and the box should probably be constructed of a material that won't leak and is water tight. The pole would have to be a material that blends in with the other things in the area, and can be lowered to service the Solar Panels, and secured in some way.
Since Bike paths are already established all over, and some include rest stations etc. I think they would be the best place to try a collaboration with some other established groups like Trailnet and other similar already established Groups that promote Transportation Alternatives that result in improved air quality, decreased roadway congestion and more opportunities for active routine travel.
Can you add your Vision to What is your vision for the future our growing community? so it can be included in our Mission Statement when we finally get to it?
As a 5013c V is for Voltage could receive donations, and apply for funding to accomplish our Mission.
I really believe we need to become Pro Active and stop waiting on others to do it for us.
PEV's seem like the best way to start getting much needed Media attention, and provides a way for those of us who don't wear Spandex to get involved.
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">
I agree it will be best to collaborate with more established groups. I really need to do more research and learn more about solar panels. I am out of school in about 3 weeks, so I'll really start getting heavily into this then. Plus my motorcycle will be done about that time too 8)
Good idea about a pole that can be lowered. I need to figure out how to fabricate or buy something that is wind resistant, as out where I'm at we occasionally get 50+ mph wind gusts. The batteries will be just fine in the cold. Actually they will last longer in the cold as long as they have some charge. I will probably put a note on the station that says not to use it during prolonged periods of overcast. The inverter cutoff will keep something in the batteries anyway. And the beauty of using old batteries is you don't care if they all get destroyed, and learn something in the process.
I think in the long run, perhaps we can setup a formal organization that specializes in setting up solar charging stations run by this community?
Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they might want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here E.T.A. 1 mo
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
` :?

Did you have anything to do with this?
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">
No, but it looks cool! Where is it from?
Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
` 8)
Peace Out,
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">