Load testing

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B&B Batteries EVP35-12

These are B&B Batteries EVP Series "For High Power, High Cycle Use." They are used on the Ego, and I have them on my KZ750 motorcycle conversion.

Spec Sheet

I load tested 6 batteries before they were used. This was about 1 yr 6 mos after purchase.

andrew's picture

7.2v R/C Batteries NiMH & NiCad

I feel that with the proper BMS these 6-cell R/C batteries would work great for a large pack in a motorcycle or bicycle/scooter. The problem is constructing a BMS. As you can see below, they can deliver quite a punch.

This is for the 7.2v R/C batteries available from batteryspace. I did some load testing...

"Powerizer" NiMH R/C 6-cell 7.2v 3000 mAh (not available anymore)
similar to: http://www.batteryspace.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1298


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