This afternoon my mind wandered into a patch of thinking I'd gone over several times before. It has to do with open source and green technology.
Here's how I reason this out ... "green" is a bad word because it's too vague to make sense of what we mean. The better word is "Sustainable", which has a fairly obvious meaning long term survivability, long term existence, etc. There's a lot of talk about Sustainability nowadays as a desired goal so it's useful to think about some aspects of sustainability.
One of the ideas I've been pondering is: Open Green .. It would be a place to facilitate open source green vehicle related projects. I've been scribbling ideas in a notebook for a couple months and while I'm not convinced about this it seems to be a good idea with some merit.
Goal: increase the availability of 'green' technology .. engage the people themselves in solving the issues of sustainable technology, because it seems if we leave it to the big companies they'll twist it to not be green nor sustainable ..
My day job is involved with open source software advocacy. While many think the company I work for (Sun Microsystems) doesn't "get" open source software there are many of us working here who do, and many of us work on open source software full time (as I do). Sooo....