
Scooter sold!

Done deal. Hope it ends up being more useful and fun to the new owner.


Ready to sell XM-3500li

Well, it's been too much heartache and headache without enough gain for me. Can't get the thing to charge up any more. Charger turns off after 5 minutes. I never got enough use out of it to begin with, so I can't say the batteries have reached the end of their lifespan. Even if I paid to figure things out, I'd probably always be worried it was going to run low again quickly. Plus, I have had little use for it for some time now, so I haven't missed it. I just don't think it's worth the insurance, reg and taxes. I can buy a monthly bus pass and get further for less money.

New 3500Li Good First Impression

My 3500Li arrived mid December 2009. I am a lucky one, drove it right out of the crate. I had been watching these blogs for awhile and also saw youtube video of a fella uncrating his last year. Saved me a lot of problems. The packaging includes a bubble wrap tied around the handles (and brake levers.) The fella in the video had problems getting the wheels off the crate... I think he had his brakes tied down. Anyway, mine rolled right off. I opened the seat and READ THE MANUAL first.


Battery replacement woes

My post to customer "support" ticket:

I can hardly believe it. I sent you two batteries. You sent me two pieces of a battery. WHERE'S THE REST?!

It's really too bad there aren't laws to protect us eager consumers, who would otherwise be your strongest advocates, from companies like you of such poor quality.

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