XM-3500li safety electric motorcycle scooter

Appeal to X-Treme support, part 2

After a terse, unhelpful and very unsatisfactory reply from X-Treme, I followed-up today (Sept. 9, 2009) with another appeal:

These problems began well within the warranty period. For example, the blinker was always a problem, but I didn't realize that was leading to failure! All the problems should be covered by your warranty. As far as that goes, I do not think it is just to lay on the customer the cost of labor for fixing, or attempting to fix, problems caused by poor manufacturing.

Many problems, but I want to love it

Submitted to X-Treme Scooters' support ticket platform Sept. 4, 2009

I hope you can help me. I have a short list of problems with the scooter, all of which are getting progressively worse. While I purchased the scooter last December, I just put it on the road in April, and it only has 1688km on it.

I will start with the serious safety issues.

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