Books about fuel cells

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The Hydrogen Economy by Jeremy Rifkin: The road to global security," writes Jeremy Rifkin, "lies in lessening our dependence on Middle East oil and making sure that all people on Earth have access to the energy they need to sustain life. Weaning the world off oil and turning it toward hydrogen is a promissory note for a safer world." Rifkin's international bestseller The Hydrogen Economy presents the clearest, most comprehensive case for moving ourselves away from the destructive and waning years of the oil era toward a new kind of energy regime. Hydrogen-one of the most abundant substances in the universe-holds the key, Rifkin argues, to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable world.
21st Century Complete Guide to Hydrogen Power and Fuel Cell Cars: FreedomCAR Plans, Automotive Technology for Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Production, Storage, Safety Standards, Energy Depart by World Spaceflight News: This comprehensive set of two CD-ROMs provides a thorough collection of documents covering research into using hydrogen as a fuel and developing automobiles powered by hydrogen fuel cells. There is extensive material from the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, and NASA.

Hydrogen and fuel cells have the potential to solve several major challenges facing America today: dependence on petroleum imports, poor air quality, and greenhouse gas emissions. The Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program at the U.S. Department of Energy is working with partners to accelerate the development and successful market introduction of these technologies. Hydrogen is a clean and sustainable form of energy that can be used in mobile and stationary applications. Fuel cells harness the chemical energy of hydrogen to generate electricity without combustion or pollution. Codes and standards ensure the safe use of hydrogen and fuel cells. The vision of a new energy economy based on clean, renewable hydrogen is described in the National Hydrogen Energy Vision document. The National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap and Fuel Cell Report to Congress outline the challenges we face and suggest a path forward to achieve the promise of hydrogen and fuel cells. The first steps toward the hydrogen future are already underway. The 2002 Annual Progress Report provides a complete list of DOE-funded hydrogen and fuel cell projects for 2002. In November 2002, the world's first energy station featuring hydrogen and electricity co-production opened in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Build Your Own Fuel Cells: Contains complete, easy to understand illustrated instructions for building several types of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells - and, templates for 6 PEM fuel cell types, including convection fuel cells and oxygen-hydrogen fuel cells, in both single slice and stacks. It includes a detailed discussion of building a lab electrolyzer to generate hydrogen to run fuel cells - and templates for the electrolyzer. Also covered is setting up a PV solar panel to power the electrolyzer, and experimental low-tech methods for producing membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs - the heart of the fuel cell).
Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius: Broadens your knowledge of this important, rapidly developing technology and shows you how to build practical, environmentally conscious projects using the three most popular and widely accessible fuel cells! Gives you everything you need to conduct practical experiments and build energizing fuel cell projects. You'll find complete, easy-to-follow plans that feature clear diagrams and schematics, as well as: Instructions for fascinating sustainable energy projects, complete with 180 how-to illustrations; Explanations of how fuel cells work and why the hydrogen economy will impact our lives in the near future; Frustration-factor removal-all the needed parts are listed, along with sources; Science fair project ideas that are on the cutting edge of the latest technological developments.
Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. An invisible, tasteless, colorless gas, it can be converted to nonpolluting, zero-emission, renewable energy. When burned in an internal combustion engine, hydrogen produces mostly harmless water vapor. It performs even better in fuel cells, which can be 2.5 times as efficient as internal-combustion engines. Zero-emission hydrogen does not contribute to CO2-caused global warming. Abundant and renewable, it is unlikely to be subject to geopolitical pressures or scarcity concerns. In this new edition of his pioneering book Tomorrow's Energy, Peter Hoffmann makes the case for hydrogen as the cornerstone of a new energy economy. Hoffmann covers the major aspects of hydrogen production, storage, transportation, fuel use, and safety. He explains that hydrogen is not an energy source but a carrier, like electricity, and introduces the concept of "hydricity," the essential interchangeability of electricity and hydrogen. He brings the hydrogen story up to date, reporting on the latest developments, including new hydrogen and fuel-cell cars from GM, Daimler, BMW, Honda, and Toyota. He describes recent political controversies, including Obama administration Energy Secretary (and Nobel laureate in Physics) Steven Chu's inexplicable dismissal of hydrogen--which puts him at odds with major automakers, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and others. Our current energy system is a complex infrastructure, and phasing in hydrogen will take effort and money. But if we consider the real costs of fossil fuels--pollution and its effects, international tensions over gas and oil supplies, and climate change--we would be wise to promote its development.
Powering the Future: The Ballard Fuel Cell and the Race to Change the World by Tom Koppel: Ballard is one of the leading companies developing the Fuel Cell, and positioning it for use in fuel cell driven vehicles. This book is a glimpse inside the Ballard empire, and the struggles it has been facing.
Fuel from Water: Energy Independence with Hydrogen
by Michael A. Peavey: This is an overview of the whole field of hydrogen and fuel cells, with a lot of technical details.

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