Electric vehicle history

EV Archive @ Stanford Univ An online archive created to encourage electric vehicle enthusiasts to help preserve the recent history of electric vehicles.
A brief history of the Milburn Electric automobile In late September of 1914, the Milburn Wagon Company began the manufacture of their "1915" Milburn Light Electric automobiles, based on a design by Karl Probst, who later designed the Bantam Jeep. During their eight years of production, from 1915 to 1923, they turned out over 4,000 cars. The 1915 Milburn Light Electric Coupe (Model 15) sold for $1,485 and the Roadster (Model 151) for $1,285; both were built on the same chassis with a 100-inch wheelbase. The Milburn was the lowest-priced electric of the time and much lighter than its competition. The 1915 Milburn had four forward speeds and two reverse speeds. It had a range of about 50 miles on a charge and could attain a speed of about 15 MPH as a Coupe and about 19 MPH as a Roadster.
History and Directory of Electric Cars from 1834 - 1987 A list of of electric vehicle manufacturers was compiled over the past 15 years from a variety of sources including the archives of the Electric Car Owners Club, early magazine advertisements, personal knowledge and other sources.
Ipswich Transport Museum A transportation history museum in Ipswich (UK) which includes a few electric vehicles.
Early Electric An excellent tour of the early history of electric vehicles... such as: 1881 Charles Jeantaud, with help from Camille Faure (inventor of the pasted plate battery), builds an electric vehicle in France. The car is made from a Tilbury style buggy with a Gramme motor and the (Faure's patent) Fulmen battery. Over the next twelve years he continued to modify this same platform installing a British motor in 1887, and used a Swiss motor with a tubular plate battery built by Tonate Thommasi in 1893.
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