Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

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2 B theprince
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
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Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

I have a Pride Victory 3 scooter. I need to secure the throttle pot 5K,and also the controller. the system uses a 24 volt (twin 12 volt batteries. the throttle pot controls the forward and reverse motion. the more you turn the pot the faster the motion.
I having trouble figuring out the system. I don't know whether the motor, controller,or another part is defective. Can I hot wire the motor directly from the batteries and see if the motor will turn?

I need help...I am confined to a scooter and have to work on it while sitting it at the same time..

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Re: Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

Yes, if you take some care, and if it's the right kind of motor. If the motor has more than two leads then this won't work, if it has two leads then it will work.

Take care in doing it. Make sure the wheel is off the ground etc of course. Also the motor leads may weld to the battery or make a big/loud/scary spark etc. It's just enough to touch the motor leads to the battery as that should be enough to have the motor spin to see if it's okay.

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Re: Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

I checked a 36V motor that way. I used just one of the 12V batteries to see if it
would spin. Then ran two in series for 24V. Ran OK. The leads were easy to identify
as plus and minus from the motor.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

2 B theprince
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
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Re: Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

Thanks for the tip. I will try just one 12 volt battery first.

2 B theprince
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 17:20
Points: 6
Re: Can I hot wire directly to see if the motor is good?

Dave, I surely will take all your insight to mind. I did take my volt ohm meter led wires and clip those onto the battery and touch them to the motor leds. I did notice a ark welding, a quickly unhook the wires. Should I proceed?

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