These questions are regarding the XB-700Li.
1. How quickly does the battery capacity (even at full charge) degrade so that the bike can NOT go 20 miles? The spec says 25-35 miles.
2. How accurate is the battery meter? As in, once the needle is half-way, is it realistic to think it is "half empty" in terms of distance it can go - or much less? In other words, is there a point when we should not dare to ride it when the battery meter is at a certain level (unless you want to get stuck somewhere)? Once the meter starts dropping, will it drop to E very fast?
3. I found a few times at a stop light that the throttle didn't work - until I tried it a few times. It's possible that it was because I had my hands on the breaks for a split second at the same time; could there be other reasons? (Should I be worried?)
4. Is it bad to leave the throttle on full all the time, even going downhill?
5. Where can we get replacement break shoes (what's the make/model of replacement part)? Are they straightforward to replace on our own? Are there instructions on how to check them and/or replace them?
6. Where can we get replacement tires (what's the make/model of replacement part)? It seemed like these are hard to find from other threads.
7. My mirrors are very flimsy - so much that they just will not stay facing a specific way, when riding. Any suggestions on what I can do to tighten them without using duct tape?
8. I cannot figure out how to remove the pedals! What's the secret?
9. What mods are available to make the unit go 25-30mph? Are there other websites that list DIY mods for this bike and other e-bikes? (If not, I would be willing to start a wiki site - if others are interested in contributing as well!)
10. I assume I can connect the charger directly to the battery? Are there any pros/cons to this?
Any help would be appreciated - thanks!!
Well, I can help with one question at least:
If they're the same as my XB-600, they depend on the spring of the poly frame on a ball end. The black back cover will snap off (with care - I broke some of the catches, but screws to hold it on are not too obvious), and it is possible to put in a 1/2" self-tapping screw beside the pivot to increase the friction. I can post pictures if this is unclear.
About #4,
Have a look at this link:
Inaccuracies of Estimating Remaining Cell Capacity with Voltage Measurements Alone