I bought two bikes, not running, off craig's list. The one had the throttle and brakes assembly was gone. I lucked out of this bought both, replaced and it worked. the second bike had a fried controller. This unit runs on 24 volt nicads, placed under the seat. I purchased a crystalyte controller and can not figure out how to hook up, the bike has 5 wires coming out of the motor (rear), the controller has only one three wire connector, Oh what to do ??
I figured it would be a good idea to check the function of all the major components, so yesterday I hooked up the motor, controller, contactor, throttle, and one of the batteries. I have not yet purchased the main power cables, so I had to make do with whatever spare lengths of monster cable and bits of 18 ga wire salvaged from previous LED and cold cathode lighting projects.
This afternoon David and I were able to hook up the Kelly controller to the Honda elite.
However I kept scratching my head on this one :?
because the Kelly controller looked so much like an air filter to me???
Maybe because I am more familiar with general maintenance on vehicles?? I dunno, but I just kept thinking
of how the top part of the controller looked a lot like the fabric of a simple air filter.
I’m seeing that people are selling all different types of ebike controllers. They differ in amps, volts and offer 2 speeds and even reverse. What does all this mean?
I have a new Crystalyte 48v 500w front hub motor on a 26” wheeled 3 speed cruiser style bike. I’m guessing I go about 23-5mph on the flats.