han's blog

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bionx in deep snow

The NW got some huge snow last month. During a mad dash to the video store in I stuck my car on hill due to having to stop at the stop sign . 10 years in Alaska tells me to back it up and park it . I do, and hump it on foot determined to get the choicest vids before the snow storm hits. In the morning I go to check on the car. Totally buried under a good foot of snow 8) . Put a call to my insurance for a tow, due to the high snows
...They Are Not Towing ! At this point i resign to foot and Bionx-Bike power.

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Half-fixie bionx? 2

So. During an apartment move to a bigger but half price crib i lost the 48tooth chainring i got like 4 months ago.
During some major rummaging i found it under a bunch of dvds Finally! Right away took the ring and ride to Revolution Cycles before forgetting again. ended up leaving the front derailleur on as a chain guide for now. The result is total perfect cadence compared to before . Dogman's comment had me concerned about not being able to ride hill if the
motor died . I tested this and the 24 cog was suitable for this hilly area with 0 assist. So far so Good :)

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Half-fixie bionx?

So over the months since getting my Bionx it seems others have said before me, I am out performing my big ring. As I've gotten in better shape again ,what I have come to love about bionx is the 'takeoff' assist or just getting up to speed before I get my own momentum going. Previously I did a lot of searching on how to get bionx to assist past the normal 20mph , since then I've become totally content with it's inherent limits .

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adventure in bionx

hey now. Yep ,I messed around for a years and the price went up 200 bucks since eying the Limn Bionx last spring. So, i call Classic cycles on Bainbridge island Wa and put down a deposit over the phone so I don't try and change my mind. In the a.m. i get on the raingear and ride to catch the bus into Seattle city. Bike down to get a lazy ferry ride of the pond the Classic cycles.

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adventures in bionx

Man :? ! Went riding with my Buddy Dom to see that new Jet Li/Jackie Chan matinee . As he is only runnin man power so far i stay in 0 or gen1 . I always leave the battery attached per the guy whom installed it,plus we're in a good neiborhood. Cool Movie, I thought Jet was retiring from acting and just gonna direct, I'm glad he hasn't retired yet , he portrays a really mischievous ,playful Monkey King, and as always he steals the show . I had the 90 dollar popcorn and snuck in with a water.

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