Submitted by strawhistle on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 14:03
here are some pics of the two bykes I built the kid's orange co.chopper one last year, it goes 35-4mph and runs good for 30min then the little my1020 motor gets to hot and i leave the fan on till it cools its 48v40ah battery is holding up quite well !!! I won second place in full custom at a cycle meet !!!
then this winter i found a Schwinn adult stingray w/spoiler , it is a 48v 2x30ah lifepo4 battery's, eteck brushed motor, curtis controller and a few frills I am hoping to make first next summer LaTeR
Submitted by strawhistle on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 11:10
Hay! In this time of low moral I thought you all would like to check out And and they run a streming show of the blues jam from 6pm -10pm on the 2nd SunDay of every month!!! and country jamb on the 3rd SunDay same times ttp:// ! ! I am the Jews Harp player !!! LaTeR
Submitted by strawhistle on Thu, 09/25/2008 - 17:49
Well now i need a new 60V? cd-cd convertor found a short in the horn wire aginst frame butt not untill I blew the convertor and the flasher gizmo and one out therehave or know were I can get new ones ??? thanks Later
Submitted by strawhistle on Wed, 03/12/2008 - 20:36
can we assembile a list of evs by watts , speed , range type of batt . type of controler and contact address., Support and Service and trust rating etc>> No exclusions ! A way for the newbie to choose his EV and learn the advantages and foibles of each .