I've manage to come by the above controller new very cheaply on ebay in the uk. The only thing is now I've got the thing I find out this partucular modle needs a 0-5v throttle input instead of the 0-5kOhm Pot input I thought it required (which i've already purchased). The electronic throttle from curtis is going to be more than i've paid for the controller so I am wanting to build a circuit that will take my 36-48v supply and my 0-5kohm pot input and feed the controller a 0-5v input. Can any one tell me what I need thanks. For now can I test the controller by using a 0-5v from a bench power supply and if so which pins do i connect the + and _ from my power supply to.
I have never had one of these controllers or throttles to play with, so take the following with a big dose of precaution:
Could you put a 40k resistor in series with your 0-5k throttle?
That would cause between 48V/40000ohm=1.2mA and 36V/45000ohm=0.8mA current through the 0-5k trimpot throttle.
The voltage across the trimpot will be V=IxR, meaning V=0.0012Ax5000ohm=6V maximum (or V=0.0008Ax5000ohm=4V maximum at loweat SOC) and 0V when the trimpot throttle is at 0 ohm.
If you don't get any good answers here, try Endless Sphere, there are plenty of e-bikers there.
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
If you have 3 wires out from the controller and they are 1. 5V out, 2. 5V in, 3. Ground, you should be able to use your 5K pot/throttle if its a 3-wire model.
Worked for me on a different controller.
No theres only two pins 1 and 3 in the manual. pin two where you would usally connect the wiper of the pot is missing on this particular model which uses a 0-5v signal. I've found in another manual that the negative side of the 5v source should be referenced to B- and must be capable of driving a input impedance of 5Kohm.
This is actually not for a electric vehicle but a wakewinch im building.
I was wondering if I would be able to build a microcontroller based speed controller circuit to read a tacho input from the my spool to determine its speed then using a PID loop output a 0/5v signal to the curtis controller to maintain a constant speed. This could then also maybe count the revolutions and have a calculated frig factor to keep the towing speed constant as the spool diameter increases in size as line is wrapped onto the spool.
A wakewinch is a large spool with 1000 foot of line usally conected to a gas/petrol engine which pulls a wake boarder /water skier up and out of the water untill they are plaining and riding like you would on the back of a boat.
If i dont need to run this in reverse do I need the forward and reverse contacts. Can I also do away with the main power contactor and use one of them large 400A battery disconnect key switch's.
I've found this thread which shows the use of a DC-DC converter which I'm going to build to get my fixed 5v no matter what the input voltage is and then use my 5kpot with this to get my 0-5v. Do I just place the pot across my + and - 5 volts and then connect the wiper to the curtis contollers voltage input or do I need more components.
also some pics i didn't know how to add last time