Hello all.
during the last 6-7 charges I did (NiH battery with 4600Km), I have noticed that the temperature is reaching a very hi values. The initial temperature is about 20 degress (after 3hr of cooling, Spain is a warm country even in winter). But as soon as the CC starts, the value can reach about 50-55 degress, the message "Battery hot" appears on the screen. I don't know if this is due to a damage element or something else. I know that during EQ process the batery can reach hi temperature values, normally about 35-40 degrees, but this new temperature seems to hi for me. Anyone could advice? regards
This is most likely a problem with one of your battery cooling impellers.
Listen carefully if both impellers start up when you plug in the charger. You will probably find that one of them is not working.
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
If the fan's don't work, and you need a replacement,
I have 2 x whole fan assemblies for sale
Daily Ride:
2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km
If the fans run ok, the battery has got damage. Readjust manaually to lower Ah capacity, or use the lairds firmware.
Thanks to all.
Today the charge was better, temperature was around 30 degress. The charge finish with EO 000, which I think it means that the EQ was not finished, but at least the tempereture was OK. I think both impellers are working, I can hear the two starting after 2-3 seconds differnce each other. I didn't indentify any lack of milage rate, today I did 32 km, most of them at 80-90km/h and there are still 6-7 bars, I know that they are not very accuratte as the last 3-4 bars are not really usefull (as soon as the red battery appears they drop quick). At the speeds that and the roads I am travelling, my normal rate is around 45-50km. My vectrix is 2010 model and has 4700 km.