Scooter diag instructions and error codes

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Jim Lowder
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Scooter diag instructions and error codes

I have scooter Diags instructions and error codes from Vectrix if needed

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

I'd love to upload it to the database, Can you do a wetransfer to my email?
Many thanks in advance

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

Hi Jim, could you send them to me please?
Am having trouble setting mine up :-(

Jim Lowder
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 14:18
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

Send me ur email, I can't get it to link here

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

I sent you mail. ;)

Vectrix Vx1 Li+ 60Ah

Jim Lowder
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

I hope every that ask for them has got them from me. Link will not transfer. So anyone who wants them send me your email address via pm.

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

Thanks Jim, just processed the PNGs with a OCR program:

This Information will be included in the service manual.
This is an advance copy for reference and training purposes.


This message appears when the battery voltage is lower than 101 volts; means that the battery is completely empty (not enough charged to let the bike run/go).
Usually It appears with the red battery warning light, sometimes also with the temperature warning light It's the standard behaviour of the bike.
This message doesn't require any maintenance, you need only to recharge the bike as soon as possible. Do not ride the bike with this message on, to avoid damaging the batteries. The over-discharge can permanently reduce the performance of the batteries (shorter range).


The batteries are overheated. The temperature is higher than 47 "C.
The red warning lights for the battery and temperature appear. To allow the batteries to cool, there's a software reduction and the performance of the bike is minimized: maximum speed and acceleration are both limited.
If the warning lights are flashing it means that the battery temperature is greater than 50 *C or it is the battery temperature sensor with a data error.
To cool the batteries, you have to reduce the speed. This will allow the plenum fans to reduce the temperature of the batteries.
To check if there is a sensor data error you need to connect the diagnostic software and check the battery temperature readings: reading of 60*C (only when the battery is cool) means short-circuited sensor.
In case of sensor data error you need to replace the temperature sensors or the whole battery pack (contact your Vectrix Technical Service Team).

This message appears with the yellow symbol of maintenance key. It shows a wrong calibration of the magnetic circuit of the throttle. Generally in this case, the bike turns off the GO signal, and leaves the READY signal flashing.
To solve this issue it is necessary to calibrate the throttle (see Service Manual).
If the calibration doesn't solve the problem you need to check the throttle connector on the handlebar or replace the magnet circuit (see Service Manual). 

This message appears with the yellow symbol of maintenance key. It Informs about an Issue with the encoder. The malfunctioning might depend on:

- wrong calibration of the Encoder Offset (angular degree value) [Encoder Calibration]
- faulty wiring of the encoder on the Motor Controller (loose or not welded wires)(check]
- encoder issue (electric board, disk or mirror) [Encoder Replacement - see Service Manual]
- Motor controller Issue [MC Replacement - see Service Manual]

This message appears together with the red temperature telltale. It shows too high temperature in the Motor Controller capacitors (higher than 105 *C).
To cool the motor controller capacitors, you have to reduce the speed. This will allow the MC fan to reduce the temperature.
Usually the cooling system on the MC is very efficient, so this error message is very rare. In the case that it appears often, it could mean you have a faulty reading on the motor controller [Motor controller Replacement - see Service Manual]

Heat sink temperature higher than 110 *C . This message appears together with the red temperature telltale.
To cool the motor controller heat sink, you have to reduce the speed. This will allow the MC fan to reduce the temperature.
Usually the cooling system on the MC is very efficient, so this error message Is very rare. In the case that it appears often, it could mean you have a faulty reading on the motor controller [Motor controller Replacement - see Service Manual]

This message appears with the red temperature telltale, it means that the motor temperature is greater than 126 °C.
It might be caused by two different things.
- the increase of the temperature in the motor: you have to stop the scooter to allow the motor to cod down.
- faulty wiring of the Encoder/Motor In the Motor Controller, check If the 16 wires are connected correctly and if the wires are properly crimped.

This message appears with the yellow symbol of maintenance key. It indicates that there is a problem with the current that circulates in the motor controller bus capacitors.
To solve this issue it is necessary replace the motor controller. [Motor controller Replacement - see Service Manual].

This message appears with the yellow symbol of maintenance key. It indicates a communication problem on the system's bus.
It could be momentary, caused by an electrical noise in the CANBUS. In this case you only need to turn the bike off and then on to reset the software.
It could also represent a more serious problem: with ICM or MC. In this case you need to first try to replace the ICM and if that doesn't solve the issue you need to replace the MC [ICM -Motor controller Replacement - see Service Manual]

12 volt power fault. It comes on with the yellow symbol of the maintenance key. It indicates the problem on the 12 volt power supply on the motor controller.
To solve the issue you need to replace the motor controller.


Flashing wrench and battery telltales
When the yellow maintenance telltale and the red battery telltale are flashing together, while charging the bike, it means that there's no charger output.
Check the charger connectors: if doesn't solve the issue you need to replace the charger.

Flashing wrench, battery and temperature telltales
When the three telltales are flashing together It means that there's a battery air plenum fan failure.
Try to restart the bike. If it doesn't help you have to check all the plenum connections and test that the battery fans are working property. Use the diagnostic software to read the battery temperature and to determine if data is good.

Battery telltale steady - on
It means that the bus voltage is less than 103 volts. Battery is discharged. Performance is reduced. You need to recharge the bike as soon as possible.

Flashing battery telltale
It means that there is a shorted cell or 15 *C temperature difference at one sensor compared to the average temperature of the battery pack. Check the battery temperatures with the diagnostic software. If you find a high temperature you need to allow the air plenum fans to cool the batteries down.

Flashing temperature and battery telltales
It means that the battery temperature is greater than 50°C, or that there is a battery temperature sensor error. You have to use diagnostic software to read the battery temperature and to determine if the data is good. In case of not correct data you need to replace the temperature sensors.


Flashing wrench and battery telltales

When Ihe yolow maintenance telltale and the rod battery telltale are flashing together, while charging the biko, it means that there's no charger output.
Check the charger connectors: if doesn't solve the issue you need to replace the charger.

Flashing wrench, battery and temporature telltales
When the three telltales are flashing together It means that there's a battery air plenum fan failure.
Try to restart the bike. If it doesn't help you have to check all the plenum connections and test that the battery fans are working property. Use the diagnostic software to read the battery temperature and to determine if data is good.

Battery telltale steady - on

It means that the bus voltage is less than 103 volts. Battery is discharged. Performance is reduced. You need to recharge the bike as soon as possible.

Flashing battery telltale
It means that there is a shorted cell or 15 *C temperature difference at one sensor compared to the average temperature of the battery pack. Check the battery temperatures with the diagnostic software. If you find a high temperature you need to allow the air plenum fans to cool the batteries down.

Flashing temperature and battery telltales

It means that the battery temperature is greater than 50°C, or that there is a battery temperature sensor error. You have to use diagnostic software to read the battery temperature and to determine if the data is good. In case of not correct data you need to replace the temperature sensors.

Diagnostics Matrix and Repair Indication

I apologise for low res, is there any way to upload images greater than 500x500?

pano-quadre accions.jpg

Jim Lowder
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 14:18
Points: 129
Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

No prob. I hope they help. I will send you sequences also

X Vectrix
Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

Take these codes with a grain of salt. Depending on which MC and CH SW you have these may be close at best. Some of them didnt change much over the years but many did.

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes

Thanks for warning us, you're really wellcome.
Can share with us the changes?...

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: Scooter diag instructions and error codes


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