XB600 Parts link

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XB600 Parts link

I've used this link last fall with prompt response. As of this date, it appears that it is being maintained, though there were no direct links to it on the Green Max website:



ebiker_JK's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 16:57
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Re: XB600 Parts link

Thanks. I've seen this page and I've wondered how valid it is... since some of the images are no longer available and some of the parts are no longer available.
But Im glad to hear it's valid. I want a second controller for the shunt mod.

Ah.... I remember now. It's the *check out* that got in my way last time I used that site. Nothing loads and the page is full of errors when opening.
Perhaps I can try a different browser.

ebiker_JK's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 16:57
Points: 83
Re: XB600 Parts link

I just ordered a controller for my XB-600.
Here's how I did it.

The link at the top gets you to a parts list (with a YELLOW background), but when you add something to the cart and try to *check out* you might run into a blank screen with a lot of failed image boxes (blue boxes with "?" for Mac, or red boxes with "x" for Windows) And there's nothing you can do from there. At least that's what happened with my Safari browser on my Mac.

However, that's because I didn't have an account / login.
So, if you're new to the site (like I was) from the check out cart, look for the login and/or create an account. That's when you go to the proper site (which is all in BLUE).
Then you can create an account and get a proper check out and add your payment info. Oh, by the way... be sure if you want to purchase stuff, because there's no extra screen to review before you buy. After you input the payment method that's it, you bought it.

I was impressed that shipping was free for a lot of items (or at least I had the option from what I bought $75 worth of stuff).

This is the link I had for XB-600 parts (after making an account) This one has the BLUE background.

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