Deafscooter's Stricted Safety Issue Requier for Limo Scooter

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Deafscooter's Stricted Safety Issue Requier for Limo Scooter

Here is i talked with customer over ( Chat on AIM / YAHOO IM ) over screen ....

When Craig design in First place is Original Draft on Put charger in trunk and Solenoid in Neck
Here is Picture ... Deafscooter is recommeced this one Safety device inside Limo Scooter... .

later .....

Next Change mind by customer Requested Like this one ....

later ...

Customer idea to change the wire with Cut off on handle likethis one...

later .....................

Customer want remove the solenoid ==>> He want use Foot Press Switch on rear
Here is like this one Red Buttom with 250 amps Switch Power Cut off devices

Then Deafscooter Decide to setup & very good Design Safety issue device ==> like this one ....
all VisForvoltage memeber , what you think this safety device on Limo scooter ??
Please send me Email for Feedback and Comment about this Safety issue for Limo..
Email-> Deafscooter [at]


Craig Uyeda


Deafscooter's picture
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Friday, November 17, 2006 - 17:39
Points: 519
Re: Deafscooter's Stricted Safety Issue Requier for Limo Scoote

Here is Safety issue for save living from short or fault speed controller or motor =

Deafscooter Suggust Safety Feature here is wiring diagrams for Limo Scooter..
Customer wanted this remove the solenoids off from Limo scooter it is his RISK...
What you Think which it safety issue on wiring diagrams for limo scooter
Suggust Comment Please Fill out here...... then Craig have to do for safety sake....

Craig Uyeda


Buckeroo Bob
Buckeroo Bob's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Re: Deafscooter's Stricted Safety Issue Requier for Limo Scoote

I know there is a big expense to make it safe, but this customer has already proven he wants to pay to get a good custom made product. I hope he would see that some added expense is worth it to have a unique, one of a kind transport system that is safe. I can see his point of view too, but...!ROAD_RASH.jpg

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