LiFePO4 are the very best batteries around....

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LiFePO4 are the very best batteries around....

Lithium Fe PO4 Batteries (LiFePO4)
Not all LiFePO4 batteries are the same as use a variety of different construction methods. Some give advantage of shape and using less space, others have the ability to discharge their stored charge over a shorter period (Maximum continuous discharge current or C-Rates).
The maximum continuous discharge current of a battery is important in high load settings such as an electric bicycle motor but less important to low prolonged current demanding settings such as lighting.
Battery manufactures indicate the “maximum continuous discharge current” by indicating its “C” value. A battery can continuously discharge a current calculated from its capacity (Amp hours) x “value” given from manufactures tests and unique to the battery and its design.

- Battery with value “2C” 10Ah battery could provide a “max. continuous discharge current” of 2 x 10 ie 20 Amps.
- Battery with value “8C” 10Ah battery could provide a “max. continuous discharge current” of 8 x 10 ie 80 Amps
- Battery with value “2C” 40Ah battery could provide a “max. continuous discharge current” of 2 x 40 ie 80 Amps.
· Do not confused “max. continuous discharge current” with peak current of a battery. Peak current is very high but it is sustainable only for a few second and essentially represents shorting out the battery.
· Choose your battery carefully and spend your money wisely….. quality is remembered long after the cost is forgotten.
· If you have an application such as emergency lighting you do not need these high quality, high sustained current delivery batteries. The cheaper imports will be suitable.
· Because our batteries are high maximum continuous discharge current batteries – up to “13C” a 24v 10Ah battery could be used with up to a 3000W motor !!! (3000W motor draws 3000watts/24 volts current ie approximately 120 amps !!).
· If you research your LiFePO4 battery types we are confident you will be returning and choosing these batteries – not the cheapest – just the very best out there. see the wesite with the very HIGHEST DISCHARGE LiFePO4 systems around
contact dean [at] for further details and prices

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