ignition came.... out

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Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 20:32
Points: 54
ignition came.... out

greetings, i have a xb600 and today i put my key in neutral and started to wheel my moped out of the garage when the front wheel locked into the right position... i took the key out and half of the ignition came out... the cylinder that the key goes into is obviously broken since I only have 5 pins on my half and I can see more pins still stuck inside... I contacted tech support and they sending me out a replacemnent under warrenty with priority shipping, no hassle.

-1 for crappy key cylinder thing (damn chinese products of awfulness)
+1 for good tech support

final score: 0.

would have prefered something that didnt break but alteast i didnt have any of the tech support nightmares i hear about here.

I'll provide pics later

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