I've been enjoying my R-20 over the summer months thankfully without any of the problems that have popped up on this site.
I guess my luck ran out.
For the last several rides I have been hearing noise from within the hub of one of my wheels. This noise increased with the speed of the bike. Yesterday the speedometer/odometer conked out on me. I think the issues may be related. My understanding is that the speedometer works by a magnet passing by a plate from within the wheel. My surmise is that something broke off in there which caused the speedometer to malfunction.
Has anyone taken apart the wheel on this cycle? Is the speedometer connected to front or the back wheel? My guess would be it is connected to the back wheel since I didn't see any wires running to the front wheel.
I don't mind taking a look if it is a relatively simple operation. I just don't want parts to come flying out at me if I undertake this endeavor.
So please, if you have any advice about this, I would appreciate the sharing of your expertise!
The speedometer/odometer on the Z20/R20 does not work like a bicycle; it's all mechanical. You should see a cable coming from the front wheel that goes up into the dash and connects with the speedometer. Probably on the right side of the wheel. You may have a broken cable, or some gear problem. You could try taking off the front wheel and looking at the end where the cable attaches.
-= Alan
ZEV 7100 Alpine
Fort Collins, CO
I have the same EXACT problem. We'll have to coordinate with each other to fix this. You'll notice that there is a cord that connects to the speedometer gauge to the wheel hub and there's a screw there. If you unscrew that you'll see the speedometer. I think that is what need to be replaced. However, I think I'm going to get new shocks first before I do that because the default R-20 sucks as discussed in another thread.
The problem is cause by the speedometer cable pushing up on the speedometer, every time your hit a bump, overtime it damages the speedometer. The cable should have been secured, so that the up and down movement of the front wheel doesn't push up on the speedometer. All the Chinese scooters are that way, they save two cents and you have a broken speedometer.
2011 Nissan Leaf SL
Philip, thanks for the reply! Do you have any recommendation on how to fix it. I'm assuming the speedometer has to be replaced and then some sort of wire harness for the cable? Pictures would be awesome too if you have them... :)
I haven't fixed the problem yet. It is on my list, when I do, I will post pictures.
2011 Nissan Leaf SL