Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

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Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I just installed the October 2008 software on a 2007 bike. Everything went as it should and I was able to program charging delay. Ran it to the red tellatle, did a full recharge including equalizaition. Ran it empy once more. Everything seem fine exept that the bike goes into the 15mph limp immediately when the battery telltale comes on. Ther is no reduced power, nor is there the intermediate 40mph and 25mph limps that I have on my 2008 bike. Really stange behaviour. I also noticed the the battery capacity still reads 30A while it reads 23A on my 2008 bike. Anyone can give me a hint? Should I attempt a reinstall of the 2008 software?

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

15mph limp happens when the controller cant pull many amps at 108v (IIRC).

going straight to the 15mph limp probably means a few of your cells have been depleted.
does the temp get overly hot? or does it keep rising early on during recharge (it should start to fall at start of recharge)?
this would indicate some cells have crossed over into getting reli hot in reverse (stage 4).

if there is no unexpected heat up, the lowest cells probably haven't gone any further than stage 2 or 3.

when riding to tell-tale, do you get expected range? do you suffer disappearing bars?
if so how many bars?

if you some on the first try, then none on the second, then the 30Ah value is probably correct.
if you lose more than that, then the actual capacity value will need to be corrected, either my continuing to full cycle, or manually changing the value through software.

not correcting the actual capacity just means your "fuel guage" wont be accurate (last bars won't exist)


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2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Range is normal, about 32miles in hilly terrain. At the time the telltale cmes on and goes to limp, battery reads 126V with 2 bars still remaining on battery gauge. When I turn it off, it will settle around 130V quickly. Temperature is not reporting hot cells. About 22-24degrees at 12degrees ambient. Upon reachrge, the last bar (top) is missing and has been for the past several recharges. Also, the second top bar dissapears real fast when I ride after the recharge. Shoule the Ah setting read up to 30Ah or should it be the actual useable range which would max at 24Ah (80%)? Where do you set this manually in the software. I only found a way to force it to go to 30Ah.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

oh ok,

thats wierd.....thats not consistent with what i have experienced with the latest software.

it isn't likely to be a direct setting with the diagnostic program, it would be writing to the CAN bus a value in a specific location (which i can't recall atm).

perhaps one of the ex-vectrix guys could weigh in here?


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2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

As I see the Scooterdiag and 1017 software has been leaked out and some are purchasing the CAN-BUS cabling and related software. Fair enough as everyone has the option to do what they want. But I, as an ex-VecTech, feel I should warn you that things can go horribly wrong in a hurry should proper proceedures not be followed when installing software upgrades or attempting to blindly make changes by clicking on this button or that. By horribly wrong I mean the Motor Controller can be damaged which will require it's removal and return to the factory for a reflash to get it back to a working condition. Cost for an exchange unit is £1400 GBP plus fitting and reconfiguring with the other components. The Charger, ICM and Dash could also be damaged.

By continually forcing 30Ah charges the batteries could be damaged or if not familiar with doing a Memory Dump and having the correct spreadsheets to paste the information to then not having the ability to correctly read and diagnose that information... well let me just say there is more to having the software etc. and knowing how to effectively use it. But, if one is willing to poke around and see what does what (or what doesn't do what) then be my guest. Just remember the cost of trial and error!

There is a sequence for installing software which must be adhered to for all the compents to work cohesively. Software versions for the components must also be compatible with each other. There is also a procedure which must be followed should an install be interupted, if it isn't then reach for your wallet.

I am sorry if I sound negative, I don't mean to, I just do not want to see someone ruin something that is working perfectly fine turn a minor problem into a catastrophe. I am hesitant to share correct proceedures for two very important reasons.. 1. Intellectual Property comes to mind and 2. If I do try to help someone and they make an error, I don't want them coming back on me!!! Been there and done that one!!!

So good luck with the poking and prodding at your own risk!

Doug Townley
info.DTES [at] gmail.com

(Formerly Vectrix Europe Technical Supervisor)

One door closes, another door opens

procrastination inc
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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

It is a pity that all the info required isn't freely available.

This is one of the reasons why, when considering lithium for my vectrix, I have settled to working within the existing charger and controller parameters.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade


So good luck with the poking and prodding at your own risk!


That's why I'm sticking with the older firmware in the Vectux! There is no way of predicting if the later versions will be as tolerant (towards the changes I have made to the pack) as the older version running!

I am firmly convinced that I can look after the NiMH battery better than the newer firmware can, by using the ABCool, Universal Freddy and the M-BMS.

And I can integrate this on the fly with knowledge of the weather forecast, planned route, likely availability of charging points, air conditioned recharging points, holiday periods coming up, etc etc etc.

The firmware is the same for every VX-1 on Earth - from the Arizona desert to the foggy Scottish Highlands! That's why it does not work well yet!

It cannot learn and adapt to the vastly different circumstances in which it is used in!

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Well let me make one thing clear here. The bike that received a software update was a bike with a failed battery pack for which Vectrix did not provide a replacement under warranty. It sat at a Vectrix dealer who was unable to even obtaine the latest scooterdiag software from Vectrix and was unable to obtain the battery. The frustrated owner took the bike back after it had been sitting with the dealer for 3 months and he sold it to me for very little money. I consider it a project bike. I have not touched my 2008 bike. Vectrix has abandoned us! BTW, the software upgrade was installed correctly, right version right sequence using the Vectrix service bulletin NBTB0814 Rev 02. In fact things are working much better now then when I received the bike with the old software. Almost useable. I am just trying to understand some of the software as I feel entitled to service my investment. This however was already covered in a seperate thread and needs no repeating here.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I'm glad I joined this forum, but I was perfectly happy with my Vectrix and how it performed. Now I'm too scared to ride it in the rain, charge it straight after riding, leave it permanently plugged in and I'm just WAITING for something to break.

Sure, a bit of extra range would be fantastic, but otherwise....all was good! *sigh*

X Vectrix
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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

The battery initialization routine is not working correctly because the gauge never reaches full. In one of my earlier posts I layed out the sequence that must occur to properly measure the battery capacity. The first is the full discharge which you did. The second requirement is that the battery must be charged till the gauge is full (nearly full anyway...about 250/256th full).
Then the full discharge must follow. The fact that you never get a full gauge is preventing the routine from completing. I suspect you are hitting the cutoff voltage indicating some bad cells. Try the sequence several times (discharge to icon, then charge) and see if you can get the full charge.
BTW...Heed Winged_Racer warning! One little mishap and you will end up with a motor controller that cannot be programmed.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Could I use the "set fuel gauge" command after a complete recharge and set it to 250 or 256 to read full? Based on my driving experience and the wattage drawn the battery clearly gets full.

X Vectrix
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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

If you have the diags, then yes. Make sure you run it down to icon, recharge, set gauge, then discharge to icon.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Thanks for the advise. What value should I set it to once full? Any above 250 or 256?

X Vectrix
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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

255 works. I think it will show up as 1 less than whatever you write.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Hi Doug, happy new year etc. I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. I had a good chat to Steve when he changed my fan controller(motor controller) last year and was horrified when he told me the price. What do they say "Caveat emptor!" regarding the software!

My bike has not been used since last October due to surgery, weather etc. I set up a timer to give it a top up charge of one hour, once a week. The off charge voltage has remained at 137. I had my plaster off last week and yesterday, Sunday 17th Jan I took it for a run. Start voltage, 137. I got 30 miles giving it a fair old bashing up hill and on the flat up to 60mph.....the red bat light came on with 3 bars left and a further 6 miles range showing. This is more or less exactly what I got before the storage. The garage is unheated but not cold.

Did a full recharge cycle and the battery voltage is showing 141. I reckon it is still at the capacity it was before storage so I'll give it a run to work tomorrow.

Well pleased Doug, thanks to you and Steve's advice it looks as if it will keep going a good bit longer, fingers etc crossed!!

hope things are well with you and the job hunting is successful,
best regards


2008 Silver Vec...
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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I feel the same way. This forum has made me acutely aware of all the faults that can occur with my bike. I do not want to ride it in the rain, charge it after riding it, and basically baby it. I love riding this bike everyday, but the anxiety of waiting for something to fail is too much of a burden. I really hope the new company takes a great product and improves upon the design. If there is parts and service out there to be had, at least we can take some comfort in that. OVER 1000 miles since August without any problems. - sigh of relief, for now....


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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I don't share that sentiment at all. I'll ride mine every chance I get and charge it after my 17mile commute. Thus far no issues. Many of the complaints on this board are about poor battery performance and limited range. If you don't have to go further than 25miles you'll be fine and the likelihood of thinsg failing are probably not all that great. The new software has helped a great deal I suppose. What's the point of worrying about a bike? It still puts a smile on a face everytime I ride it.

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I have acutally built confidence with my VX1, in a weeks time it will be a year since ive had it and i have clocked 8100km, uptill today, using it everyday except for a month in august(holidays), its worked perfectly and has been totally reliable. At the begining i didnt want to invest too much money on extras... windshields etc..i only bought new grips but as time has passed the Vectrix has shown no sign of problems so ive started to buy the extras that i wanted. I have finally got my winter windshield, so now i have the 3 of them, i have the HID light,my next step is the gps mount. All this means that im very surprised that i have had no problems,only gears at the begining and i thought it couldnt be fixed(whining, but it has!).Also all of you have helped me in preventing future problems....... i have duct taped the holes, not charged with battery very hot, been able to charge and recharge properly getting a good gauge calibration etc,etc......
Thanks, no i ride my Vec everyday to everywhere all the time, the only limit and worry is always the range and that would be the only reason i would upgrade to lithium for the rest (my needs) id stick with the Nimh.
On the 2nd of Feb the Vectrix will be 1 year so i have to do the 6 month revision , that will be all my expenses in a year!

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

Rady -

I have to agree with you too. I will have had my Vectrix for a year in May and have been riding it everyday that the roads aren't icy/snowy. I have also had ZERO problems with the bike...with the exception of a 1 inch wood screw that penetrated my rear tire. I've put on about 2500 miles in 9 months and have been very impressed with the bike. I always do have the little fear of what if something goes wrong...especially because here in the States we don't have much/any support anymore.

But, I have to point out, that by the nature of discussion boards online, the VAST majority of posts are always from people having a problem with whatever is being discussed. Sometimes a vary small problem can "appear" to be very large because it happened to a few people and the discussion boards "light up." This is not to say there have been a few quality control issues, but it seems that the vast majority of them were fixed with minor upgrades to newer bikes.

Keep on riding!


Adam - Denver, CO
2007 Vectrix VX-1 charged with the power of the sun = zero carbon footprint

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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

On the 2nd of Feb the Vectrix will be 1 year so i have to do the 6 month revision , that will be all my expenses in a year!

Aha, we have a twin. On 2nd of Feb mine will be exactly one year old as well. (if we don't count the 18 months it sat in various warehouses around the world). I feel ashamed that I have only done 3,186 km's but , touch wood, they have been delightfully trouble free aside from the frustrations of limited range (40km max, sometimes only 32km)only modifications have been the Michelin Gold tires (I can recommend) and Givi tail box with twisted throttle LED light kit mounted on some rather agricultural brackets from the Australian distributor rather than the over engineered, and costly, bracket that Vectrix produced. We still do not seem to have any resolution of the dealer/agency situation in Aus/NZ which is slightly uncomfortable in the meantime I will continue riding with a wide grin.


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Re: Odd behaviour with new software upgrade

I'm also building up confidence with my 2007 Vx1. My vx1 is one of the very first units from May 2007, and I experienced many problems: wrong wired charger (the bike was sent to poland to solve the issue!) 125 Ah fuse blown, permanent mismatched calibration gauge, unbearable noise in the planetary gearbox due to axle-twisted engine... Vectrix covered all these issues under warranty. I'm really grateful to the brand and to the Spanish dealer. Despite the problems, I must admit that I'm grinning each time I ride the bike: driving it is a real pleasure! Before vectrix, it was impossible for me to imagine an electric bike of such performance and speed. The vectrix is a kind of technological miracle (for 2.5 years it has been the best electric scooter in the market).

Now my V is around 22.000 km and the battery is still performing nice. Many km since my last trouble, and I'm feeling that now the bike is really reliable. I miss a little the lithium battery, would be nice to have extended range in long trips, but in the every day's city trips the NIMH is enough...

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